Help with Blender


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2010
I admitting defeat… I need help. Maybe I am looking at all the wrong place, I can’t find scripts or tutorial on transferring Blender files with texture to Pepakura. Both .obj and .3ds don’t export with texture, so I was thinking maybe .low will. But Blender will only import .low not export so I don’t even know if it will work. Someone out there got to know how. Please enlighten me, please? Pretty please?
Allen, I converted the model to a .3Dm format I have it all finished and done. You can just ad color and texture. It completely unfolds. I can send you the Rhino file if you want.Phone.jpg
Exporting the model is not the problem. It was easily export and import to Pepakura in .obj format. My hurdle was exporting the mesh alone with textures to Pepakura.

But, I got it now. Seeing my wife enjoying her friend’s baking video on Facebook, it drawn on me that I can bake the textures to the model and export it in all it glory. I recall I done it once, but it was centuries since I practice this dark sorcery. Such knowledge was lost and I only hope to regained that valuable knowledge one day. But with that knowledge lost, it tiger something else in my deep dark memory bank . There is more then one way to cast a spell. So I saved the .dds textures on it own and then save again as .jpg. Place .jpg textures files in Pepakura, done! Mission accomplished! Well… not really. There is much work need to do to make the model unfold friendly. But I jumped that hurdle, I’m happy.
If you want, I can send you the Rhino file. My model completely unfolds. It just needs textures. You just have to tell me which Rhino you are using now using. 3.0? Let me know, and I will e-mail it to you. Might be worth seeing. It would be easier to put together than that Pepakura garbage, and you could apply really nice textures. IMHO. :)
I guess that the model I downloaded was not what you were working on. I can't imagine that something so simple to unfold and work with within Rhino could be what you were doing. You do know that the Mesh you linked to had to be converted to Polysurfaces in Rhino? That process took 2 seconds, I had some other programs running in the background. That then allowed the "Squish" command to be used, or Unroll Developable Surfaces" whatever you wish. The texture on that file, as I have Blender, and opened it, looked like a little time with Paint, could reproduce it. That file you had, even when imported into Rhino, could not be worked on as it was. Since you solved the "problem", I won't bother looking for an alternative, it would be nice if you wrote a step by step, for us mere mortals. Texturing is the one thing I am so terribly weak at. I could make you a bulkhead out of Titanium for a real helicopter, but I could not draw one and texture it!! It would be nice to export the Blender files with Textures into Rhino. :(
I am not exporting models to Rhino to unfold. I am exporting to Pepakura to unfold with textures. Models I working on right now are models I extracted from video games. I want to keep complex texture with the model straight out the game, so Blender is the better choice in the department. I never did any texturing with Rhino either, never did learn how (maybe it is time I learn how). I did all my texturing with Photoshop. Right now I only know how to move, delete model in Blander, and couple days ago – I exported textures to Pepakure. Still tons of Blander and Pepakura tools I need to learn to come up with clean and unfold able model. I can show you how to export texture to Pepakura if you want. But that only work for extracted game models with texture already assigned. Other than that, I know not.
Oh... I remember why I don't learn texturing in Rhino. I don't want to buy Flamingo. :D
Flamingo isn't the only tool, and besides, you can do the texturing of the parts in Photoshop. When I find a good free Render tool, I'll let you know. I have done parts in Rhino, unrolled, or Squished them, printed them added textures in Photoshop, the bring it back into Rhino as a "PictureFrame". It still looks like a part, but now has any lettering or texturing applied. The sizing, if changed, can be done under transform, and everything looks like the same part. I do this without closing Rhino, and use CS3 or CS5 Photoshop. Not only that Rhino 5.0 has like 5 different levels of applying textures. You might want to check it out. I've been concentrating of Textures so I can finish off some models without having them looking so sterile. I don't like Add-ons that cost more than the program either. I was selected to get Pixar's "Renderman", the same full commercial version, for "FREE"! I just have to figure out a way of using it now. :)

Merry Christmas Allen, fellow believer. :)
