Help - Twisted cutting mat

Hello folks,

I've got a question.
I've recently received a cutting mat (since I can't get them in Lithuania) and it is twisted. I tried to straighten it by bending it strongly to oposite side - nothing.. Then I tried to keep it under heavy weight on flat floor for a couple of days - nothing..

Can anyone suggest how to straighten it, cause it is very hard to cut over it? :cry: :cry: :cry: Maybe anyone had such problem?

Thanks a lot. Good luck! ;)
Howdy Mindaugas,

Ok, you might try these methods.

1. use a hot steam iron and Iron it flat

2. place it in an oven at a real low setting

3. microwave it, you may have to apply abit of water to it to get it to heat properly.

after all of these methods, while the mat is still hot, place it on a cool flat surface and apply weight to it to help it maintain its "flatness".

hope this helps,

have a good day,

Greg aka GW
you can use hair - dryer - but will take some time. Trust the best will be to spill hot watter and flatten under weight store.

To not be happened anymore - cover your "olfa" with paper or just put it under the table when not card-modelling.

In the event it ever happens to any others, which
method actually worked best?


Here how I did it:

First of all I tried a hot tap water. I filled the bath (just enough to submerge that mat) and kept that mat for several minutes. Then I dried it and put under books. After 10 mins it was cold and .. no result.

Then I boiled water up to 90 degrees of celsius and submerged it again. Then I dried it and put under books. After it was cold I saw, that he straightened a bit, but not fully.. so no result.

Then I saw that lowest setting of my oven is 140 degrees of celsius. Well, I thought that I will risk, that cut paper on twisted mat. I put it on roasting plate. It wasn't good because the protruded edges of cutting mat softened, while the area which was on roasting plate remained cold. Then I changed that roasting plate to grill and heated again. And then all mat softened and I was able to straighten it under the books. - So this is the best method. :D

Thats all. Thanks again!!! ;)
BUMPED for priority reasons - do not bump in old threads.

Handy tip.
