Hello from Ottawa


New Member
Sep 11, 2012
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

I am new here and wanted to say hi. I am living in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and I am just getting back into model railroading after an 8 year absence.

I am 45 years old, with 3 children and a wonderful wife. I have not yet begun building but have a good idea of what I want for a layout.

Anyone in the Ottawa area that wants to meet up to work on terrain, buildings, layouts or just to chat about the hobby, drop me a line.

Forge_24 (aka Terry)
Welcome aboard. While I am not into railroading, there is a good crew here who love railroading and in the architectural section for buildings, there are some good choices for a HO layout. hope see some of your works soon. See you around the forums.
Dedicated Railroading crowd here. You will find some cross over into the paper model area as there are many very convincing buildings that can be had for free. Welcome aboard! nice to have you here! :)
It's always good to see another model railroader on here, welcome! I've been up to Ontario but not to Ottawa, just to Sault Ste. Marie and Wawa. We have a few dedicated model railroaders other than myself, Bill Nelson and Doc Tom are also very active at making things happen. Both of the mentioned gents are in the same model railroad club I am, the Clarksville MRR Club in Clarksville, TN.

Hope to see some good posts from you, and feel free to check out the thread on my semi-fictional railroad, the Whiskey River Railway.
