Hello and thanks for having me.


Nov 19, 2022
Mifflinburg, PA
My name is Rich, from Central Pennsylvania. One of your senior Administrators, Zathros, introduced me to this forum and invited me to join and introduce myself. I met him on a motorcycle forum and we connected when he shared a pic of a paper model BSG Viper over there. I was immediately intrigued. Big fan of BSG, but I have very little experience with paper modeling. When I was a kid, I built lots of plastic model kits of cars, planes and ships, and lots of Estes model rockets. In college and in my first career, I used to build architectural models from foam board, card stock, balsa wood, etc. My most recent model building experience is with stamped metal Star Wars vehicles, pictured below, with an eclectic collection of MINIs and other sci-if stuff. But the prize of this collection is the cardboard TARDIS my younger son made for me when he was about 8 years old.

I’m unclear on the preferred picture posting etiquette. On the motorcycle forum where I post a lot of pictures, they don’t want to host large files so they have us use a pic hosting site. I’ve gotten quite good at using Imgur for this and have never had an issue with broken links or changed file names.


I’ve researched a little on this site and found that it’s OK, and possibly to preferred, to just upload the pics to be hosted here. Trying this below.

I‘m experimenting to see the difference and hoping someone will tell me which is the preferred method.


Looking forward to getting into this new hobby.

Happy Thanksgiving.
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Hello Rich welcome to this forum there are a lot of scifi models available. Im looking forward to see your first build and we love picturrs. Have fun with us.
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Nice to see you!! You can upload pics directly to the forum. This is especially important with model build threads. Lots of people looks to these threads to see how other made the model. You will find some excellent ones on the Viper. You will find a forum of very kind and welcoming people here. :)

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Hello and welcome to the forum! :)

I too am a BIG BSG fan (old and new) and have specialized in turning the props and filming miniatures into paper. "Buck Rogers" is my close number 2 topic because it is so closely connected with BSG. I have teamed up with @Rhaven Blaack . The forum is a great community with a lot of creative, helpful and friendly people around. Im sure you will like it here.

Do not be shy of paper. It is a very versatile medium, inexpensive, easy to shape and if you make a mistake you can print the part again and fix it. Choose some simple kits to begin with. Canon provides excellent ones, they are easy to make but look stunning when finished. @mauther makes great models and has a very informative blog with lots of links to models of varying complexity, there is the Lower Hudson Valley gift shop (one of the oldest sites available and probably the one we all have begun with / don't worry, even though it is called a "shop" all models are for free ;) ). Steve and Martin host some of our projects, too, so there is plenty of stuff available to begin with. :)

If you have a question don't hesitate to ask. We love to help. :)

Have fun and enjoy! :)
Late again, but I'll add my...
Welcome Aboard!
I found this forum via pics of a Thunderfighter on Facebook, posted by Rhaven Blackk, and have been happy here ever since.
Every kind of model you can imagine, and some you cant. Plenty of BSG from some great creators.
Hello and welcome you to Zealot!

You have come to the right place for all things paper/cardstock, and to build and hone your skills. The members here are very helpful.

So, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, need help or advice. Please feel free to ask and we will do what we can to help you (or at least point you in the right direction).

When you start a new project, please post a build thread. Build threads are a great way of show off your work and skills. Not only that, but if you run into an issue with a model you can highlight the area that you are having problems with and we can offer you some suggestions on how to deal with them.

Once again, welcome aboard. I hope that you enjoy yourself here. I look forward to seeing your work.
The Tardis model your son built speaks to my heart. :)
Think I just found the first paper model I want to try. Found this on one of the sites that @Revell-Fan linked above.

Just A few sheets of parts. Looks like a good place to start. I’ll start a build thread when I get started. Maybe in a few weeks.

I have some real live pictures of this car I can use for reference. The dealership where I used to have my MINI serviced had a 1967 Monte Carlo replica in the showroom.

You scan scale those models up too. I have built an Alfo Romeo 35 from that site. These models come out excellent. ;)
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I believe the models are 1/35 scale, which is a nice size, big enough to look at but doesn't take up a lot of space. For realistic wheels you can paint them with Liquid Electrical Tape, or "Flex Seal". If you do that, you can cut thin strips for treads, glue them on, and when you paint over them the tires look really great. ;)
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Welcome Rich, hope you have great time with us on the Zealot forum, lots of great peeps here who will help you on your way.

Love the Tardis, the kid has the potential of a great modeller - a family keepsake for the future.

Glad you have picked a 'proper' Mini as your opening model, rather than those false BMW 'so called Mini's - tis a true design classic.

Picture is with my first car, a Mini Clubman circa 1989
mart & mini2.jpg
I like the new Mini's. I could never afford one, but they are cute, and they look small, but are really a lot bigger than they look. The one you have, The Countryman happens to be the one I like because it still is utilitarian. I've seen people stuff a lot of stuff in there with the back seats folded down. ;)
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