
Hello and welcome you to Zealot!

Welcome back. I am sorry that you had problems the first time around.

You have come to the right place for all things paper/cardstock, and to build and hone your skills. The members here are very helpful.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, need help or advice. Please feel free to ask and we will do what we can to help you (or at least point you in the right direction).

When you start a new project, please post a build thread. Build threads are a great way of show off your work and skills. Not only that, but if you run into an issue with a model you can highlight the area that you are having problems with and we can offer you some suggestions on how to deal with them.

Once again, welcome aboard. I hope that you enjoy yourself here. I look forward to seeing your work.
Those sifting experiences can be a real drag. I got sifted out of a Motorcycle forum that I was a major participant in, because of a software error on their part. It took me a year to get back in. They thought I had died or something. They were just as happy to have me back as I was to be back.

We are glad you're back. Sorry you got sifted out, it might have been during the site migration, or the "DNS" attack.

We are Happy to have you back. We treasure our members. :)