Health update, and What I did in my radiation quarantine


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2008
On 14Apr21 I received my first dose of radiation. and am now out of radiation quarantine. I can now use the computer and phone as I normally do. I was not allowed to use them in quarantine to keep from making them "hot" with radiation. My next dose won't be until July. ;) and yes, I checked to see if I glowed in the dark. I didn't :(:bulgeeye::( My sister did buy me 2 three liter jugs of red wine, and I drank 1 and half of the other. Red wine is supposed to help your body pass radiation. (learned in basic training in 1987).

I did a repaint of the before my radiation. Tkpapercraft only offers it in red and green. I wanted it in black so I did a repaint for myself. As I didn't have access to my camera I only have shots of the finished car. hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
The model looks great, and I hope all is well with your health. Radiation treatments can be bad, at least you are coping.
You did a great job on this Project!!!
I am glad to hear that you have good spirits (both in humor and liquid). I wish you the very best of luck with your fight. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you. :) Thank You Z for talking me into the white wheels on the other ford. They really "Pop" on this one. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
GLad to hear from you. That car is so dang cute. If it was a cookie car, I'd eat it!! I had a bottle of Red Tail Merlot calling to me. I can tell my wife it's to help remove the Beryllium I breathed in. Thanks for the update. :)
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GLad to hear from you. That car is so dang cute. If it was a cookie car, I'd eat it!! I had a bottle of Red Tail Merlot calling to me. I can tell my wife it's to help remove the Beryllium I breathed in. Thanks for the update. :)
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I received my second dose of radiation yesterday 4Aug21 and am now in quarantine. And I have a few projects to work on, top of the list is a new photo booth, and a shaker inspired rocking chair.
Glue up for rocking chair uprights.

uprights cut

this is as far as I got before the radiation treatment.
I am glad to hear that you are doing well. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
I am looking forward to seeing how the chair turns out!
Nice Press!! I've been wanting to get one of those.
latest radiation treatment did not go as well as the last one. i'm just now getting back to feeling like my old self.
i have not had energy to do much of anything for weeks, and I hurt in my joints all the time now. The Dr. is trying something new to help out.
we will see how it goes.
You are in my prayers as well. radiation is hard on the body, and multiple doses add, I pray the treatments work, and that you will return to health.
Hope you continue improving in everything . :)
Back in June, I fell and broke the main joint in my left thumb. I also tore several tendons including the ACL and the UCL. I have been to see a hand surgeon several time over the past few months. Today, he finally decided that I need surgery. So as soon as he schedules it I will be having it.
Anyway, this is the reason I have not been posting any builds..... I have lost most of my grip in my left hand.

On top of all that, In August we lost my mom. I had been her main caregiver for the past 12 years. They listed COD as COPD, but It was due to CO2 level being over 80% and they could not get it to come down. She has had a Trilogy machine for 4 years but would not use it. It works like a Cpap but it removes CO2 from your lungs and keeps it from building up in your blood.

Please, people, if the doctor gives you equipment like that, USE IT, It will save your life.

Thank you for reading this, It has helped me process some of the grief I still have, just by writing it down.
