Having a run at the Legal01 Re-envisioned Saturn V Mark III

Having no experience with this model I still have a question: Have you, or any other builder, ever considered to superdetail the outside at the places where the real thing has those ribbed areas. such as on the lower stage, winged engine covers and interstage?
A hell-of-a-job but almost a must-go-there in this scale, I think.
This is a model that is truly massive. Detailing the outside becomes fairly easy at this scale. There is more I would like to do with it detail wise, but this is still in test build phase as far as I know. The master mind who combined all the different models together and re-detailed this to make it all similar was, Legal01. In the future though, I would like to try this in a smaller scale. If you are familiar with scratch building your own parts, there is a lot you could do to this model detail wise.
Details are slowly being added to the master files, its a massive job and really only for the serious enthusiast to make every rib and detail that this design has.
All that you have done so far is incredible. Pieces are coming together nicely. It's good to hear from you again Legal, I hope you have been well.
Details are slowly being added to the master files, its a massive job and really only for the serious enthusiast to make every rib and detail that this design has.
I am one of those serious (CRAZY :hammerhead::hammerhead::hammerhead:) enthusiasts that would sit there and make every rib and greeble that you put into it!!!thumbsupthumbsupthumbsup
I hope people are clicking on the thumbnails to see the expertise in the building going on here, it is perfection!! Click on this pic to see what I mean. ;)

Once again on mounting the top and bottom of the bell if you want to make the connection seamless you would just need to cut parts 11 a bit shorter.
20160504_154621.jpg 20160504_154630.jpgWith part 20 just make sure everything is aligned correctly and it should more or less place itself. There is a white mark on part 14 that will help with the alignment.
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Parts 24,25,26,27 assembly will be the same for parts 28,29,30,31 so I only showed the one assembly.
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Be sure to keep track of which parts are which the next step can be confusing if you aren't paying attention.
For parts 32,33 if you use a 1mm dowel in the center that works out really well for the correct sizing.
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Parts 37 and 38 just need to be folded and laminated together. When placing on the engine it helps if you pre-curl the back ends also, in my pics I initially folded the tabs at the bottom backwards.
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Parts 53 and 54 were a bit of a pain to figure out. However this is more or less what it is supposed to look like sadly, I put mine on backwards the rest of the engines will be done correctly.
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And these are the last two bits to attach and here we have more or less a finished J2 engine. I do need to get a bead to finish it off. Will add more pics when I do. Time to build the other 5.
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