Hatchling Gold Dragon Mini by Wizkids


Moderator "Where am I, and how did I get here?"
Staff member
Jul 12, 2012
Shannon GA
I'll start a new thread for this one, that I'll be working on soon.
A baby Gold Dragon mini, but it only came with a 1" round base. So I used a new material to me, to make a better base. Moldable plastic pellets, you boil water, add pellets to the hot water, and allow them to go soft. The plastic is white, but goes clear as it reaches molding temperature in the hot water. Once the pellets are clear, you gather them up, I used tweezers, and remove them from the hot water. allow the water to drip dry, and use your hands or tools to mold to shape. Then let sit and cool.
Gold Dragon Hatchling.jpg

I didn't take pics of the whole process as it was fairly quick. Once the plastic cools and hardens in it's new shape, it turns white again.
So if you made a box, 2 of the same size, and made an impression in each box, a positive and negative, (like a bubble cockpit glass), theoretically, leaving a space in between for the resin, you could fill the put the two halves of the box together, squirt in clear Resin with hardener mixed, wait a while, and you should have your Cockpit Glass. Something like Vaseline or "3-in1" oil might have to be used as a releasing agent to prevent a layer of the stuff sticking to the resin. Just a wonderin'. :)
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That would work. I've seen people use this product to make a buck for vacuforming.
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