Harkonnen's WH40k Builds

Why yes as a matter of fact.

I am currently working on a Leman Russ and have completed the turret so far.

Also, I would like to thank silveroxide for showing the technique of rolling paper/cardstock around the drillbit. I used a screwdriver and a pen for some cylinders so I didn't have to use so much. It really makes a difference in the strength of the cylinders for the gun and the ease of being able to glue the ends to the flat surfaces with a more complete cylinder.

Now for the pictures. With this model I can easily take the gun assembly out of the turret and put a different gun if I wish as well.


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Well I managed to get a hold of some free time and managed to first most of the trackpods. Here is a shot of a completed one(without tracks) and the internal supports of a soon to be completed one. Also I have started using 110lb cardstock. Grabbed 250 sheets from staples and my printer seems to have no issues with it. So that helps save a lot of time. Since I don't have to laminate a standard sheet to something sturdier for the standard parts.


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Glad to see you back on the 40K builds. You do such a great job and I just absolutely love the 40K Universe. The Russ is looking great so far. Keep it up and thanks for sharing.

Well holy thread necro batman! I'm back with an update.

Here is the back of the hull with exhaust stacks and other stuff.

View attachment 147099

Front shot with the Lascannon.

View attachment 147100

Here is the side profile.

View attachment 147101

I'm so glad that once I got the track pods glued to the hull and it ended up being perfectly square with no wobbles. It's been sooo long that the paper on the turret has changed color from the fresher stuff!

I haven't decide if I want to add the trench rails on the back and the front dozer blade yet, what do you think? Hopefully it won't take me 2 years to add them lol.


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I'd go for greebling the hatches, make them look like they open, and make one or two of them actually open. That will knock the exquisite model waaaay over the top. It cries out for it. :)
Wow, it's been a ridiculously long time since I've done an update... I mean... wow. I guess that sort of thing happens when you get a job and forget about the model in a drawer till recently. :p

Here I added the dozer blade to the front.

While on the rear side I added the trench rails.

Also, here are some updated high-resolution shots of the Leman Russ working on its tan prior to its upgrades.

What's next? No idea. When might this happen? Dunno. Will it take half a decade? Maybe? Lol.
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I know the feeling of how real life can get in the way of hobbies. I was in school for a year and a half, and just recently finished my academic terms. So, now I am finishing up my externship, which provides me time to work on my projects again.

I have to say that you have done a GREAT JOB on this project!
Thanks Rhaven Blaack and JanMarciniak. :)

I'm not sure what I want to do next. I have a couple candidates but haven't decided.
It would be nice to commute in a tank like that. You could drive straight to work, and I mean "straight". :)
Zathros: It sure would, and I would have to make sure to install a horn that plays "la cucaracha" while I do so. :p

It's funny though, when you actually hold this thing in your hand you realize just how terrible of a design it really is. The commander would literally be straddling the gun breach if he was standing in the commander's hatch. Gives new meaning to the term "Recoil Suppressor."
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Warhammer designs, for the most part, are pretty "horrid" as far as ergonomics. The Steampunk appeal is what makes it work, but these tanks have no suspension either, and have you ever been in a tracked vehicle with minimal suspension, you usually don't go much more than 5 miles per hour. That breach design is called the "deballer". :)
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New project! Let's see if you can guess what it is from the first set of images. :p

#1 The main body and its internal supports before gluing together.

I got the idea for the triangular supports from seeing some of Dented Rick's builds. I also quickly figured out that I would murder someone really quickly if I didn't find a better way of making them than measuring and marking lines on a sheet of cardstock by hand, then I remembered that I have a computer, so I created a grid in Inkscape that is 1"x 1" with 1/4" score lines then made a .pdf. This way I can get 88 1" supports or any length I desire up to 11." If someone is interested in having this .pdf as it is a definite time-saver, I will upload it as an attachment.

#2 The Main Body boxed in.

#3 The underside of main body with the extra bits installed. If you'll notice, there is some warping as the material isn't very thick, a mistake on my part but it shouldn't cause any problems.

I'll add more pictures later as I go on.

Edit: Site isn't letting me upload the .pdf right now. Will try later.
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Nobody tried to guess? :Feelsbadman: Anyway, here's some more pics.

#4 - Here is the inside of one of the track-pods with internal supports to stiffen it up.

#5 - Here the track-pods are completed and ready to be attached to the body. The 4-layer cardstock side-skirts are also added.

#6 - The other side of the track-pods.

#7 - The track-pods after being glued to the body and the hatches/shell deflector for view window added.

#8 - Here is the underside after the track-pods are attached showing the channel for where the wheels will go.

More to come later. :)
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