@Ron Caudillo @zathros : As you might remember, I had updated from Win 8.1 to Win 10 which rendered certain Internet functions useles, e. g. I cannot get all the Microsoft programs like Chrome, Edge and Skype to connect with the web. I can't use the "Upload a file" function ever since, too. I suppose the update is the reason for that but I am not sure. Only a clean install could tell which I don't wanna do at the moment because of the amount of work it requires. So long there are easy workarounds I'm fine with that for the time being. ;)
I am restoring a 1968 Shasta Air flyte exactly like this one. I just used this as a test picture. I love this little "Canned Ham" trailer. The wings make it go faster!!! ;)
You could paint it to match the classic Adam West Batmobile. Certainly it would look cool! :)
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That's a good idea, but I am painting it to match my motorhome, which is already close in color to it. This is the submarine museum for the U.S.S. Nautilus Nuclear (our first) submarine. It's a wonderful museum, and has many Midget submaatines, and huge real submarine periscopes, which allow you to look outside and see what the sub commanders saw. Quite incredible actually. :):)

Last time I saw the Nautilus was when it was bolted to the pier near the sub base in Groton. They did the denuking work on it while I was stationed there in my subnuclear days. The facility sure didn't look like that back then. Did they move it? My guess is they moved some of the midget subs off the sub base and to the museum. Makes me go hmm but I sure don't want to go back up there to see it again. I had enough of that place while I was stationed there in the 80s.
Last time I saw the Nautilus was when it was bolted to the pier near the sub base in Groton. They did the denuking work on it while I was stationed there in my subnuclear days. The facility sure didn't look like that back then. Did they move it? My guess is they moved some of the midget subs off the sub base and to the museum. Makes me go hmm but I sure don't want to go back up there to see it again. I had enough of that place while I was stationed there in the 80s.

You would not believe how that sub is anchored. the museum is part of the Navy base there and is crowded all the time. It has even more midget submarines, and the conning tower of another sub mounted outside. It is a very modern museum and really honors that great sub, and the crews the manned her. The inside of the museum is just as interesting as the outside. A fantastic place to visit. Very strict though. Armed people and all that.
Sounds like it is in the same place just the museum has expanded. That is great. I remember seeing that ship shortly after it opened. Of course, that means as soon as I could see it after a deterrent patrol. I chuckled looking at those huge steel pipes bolted to the ship and the pier. I knew that rascal was not going anywhere. That did an incredible job displaying the interior of that ship.

I spoke with some ELTs associated with that project. Engineering Laboratory Techinicians are radiation technicians in the Navy Nuclear world. They said they removed all the irradiated valves from the reactor compartment and piled them into the empty reactor vessel and sealed it shut. Nice simple way of dealing with the problem. For those who may be concerned about this idea, the reactor vessel is designed to contain the reactor while it is running, so containing contaminated parts is really overkill in the old reactor vessel.

Anybody that can get to Groton should stop off and see this display. It is excellent. Always remember, in today's terrorist world, the military does not play. They have been attacked too many times.
You get the sensation right aay that this place is serious, and there are some bulkhead doors you don't even want your fingerprints on. ;)
Omg! All this time I thought it was my IPad. Lol just kidding. So glad to have you all back. Happy RCing!

So Happy to have you back. We suffered a Denial of Service" attack, and cost an incredible amount of money to fix. The owners of this forum own their own servers, it's not hosted by some mega corporation. Who knows, that could have been one reason for the targeting, get the small guy out. I don't know, but we are back. ;)