Handlaying and ME spikes



I have started laying my HOn3 line, using code 55 rail and Micro Engineering "small" spikes. This bein my first time handlaying, I am going through the aches and pains of pulling out spikes to nudge the rail a little, and dealing with ties that split.

After managing to et my first 3' layed, I wisely tested the track using a spare set of trucks... DISASTER! the flanges hit the spike heads! These are ME "small" spikes, and IMO they have too large of a head, both too long and too thick. I can't seem to find anyone that has the "Micro" size spikes in stock, and I was wondering if they had smaller heads or were just shorter :confused:

What are my other options here? I know there HAVE to be some spikes out there with smaller heads. I could try the pliobond/glue the rail down method, the PC tie method, or possibly make my own spikes out of piano wire.

Thoughts anyone?

I don't think I can help you out much. I'm using cd 83 rail with the small spikes and have not had any problems. Making my own is a neat idea though, and I'd almost try it except I'm just about finished spiking my track. I'm not sure if I'd trust the glue method. I did try the PC tie method in a couple of spots, and while I liked it for its accuracy I only end up spiking the rail down the to wood ties anyways. Plus now I have to go back and paint those ties to blend them into the rest of the trackwork.

Let me know what you figure out.
I have used the 1/4" spikes and code 55 with HO standard gauge equipment and have no problem with the flanges hitting.

I am wondering if I got a bad batch of spikes. I had some older ME spikes that I thought were the 1/4" size, and they seem to have smaller heads.


I tried making my own spikes using Stephen Hatch's method on his Railway Engineering site, and thins seem to be working out well. They push into the ties easy, don't seem to interfere with the wheel flanges, so I think I will make a bunch and try laying some track. All you need is some needlenose pliers, some diagonal cutters, and some .015" music wire. I figure I could make a hundred or so during a half-hour teevee show.
