Half a Tank

Thanks very much everyone for you comments and support. I really appreciate them. This was a fun project and I wasn't sure just how it would turn out but it is OK for the Georgetown Sub.
Nice job Robin, is this a aquired skill, or were you born with it?...I am trying to do this scratch build stuff, and it looks like what it is, timber, card, ect stuck together, thanks for the how to...have a good one..steve

PS. I am still trying, maybe I get it right....??????
Steve, I started scratchbuilding about 5 years ago when I couldn't find a kit for a model structure I wanted so I tried making one. It turned out so so, but it was a start. Now when I look at some of my earlier efforts I think that I should re-build them because I have learned so much from others. There is no question that the more you do, the better you get at doing it. It does take some patience though and you can't hurry the job.