Good morning this last day of March


Out AZ way
Feb 3, 2003
Hey, welcome to the caboose. Grab a cup of coffee, we have both kinds, regular and hi-test. Mikey's gunna drop by with the donuts, if he gets up early enough. In the meantime, there's a few bagels left over from yesterday, help yourself. :D

Not much else going on, we're just trying out our new forum, sitting around the caboose waiting for the early crew to get here.:wave: :wave: Have a great day.:thumb:
Well what do ya know..... They even washed the walls.... :) Huge day & Weekend in PA.. "East Coast Large Scale Train Show" is just waiting to be pounced on by us G nuts on Sunday.. Of course it opens tonight, but the guy we go with has to work and is off Sunday... First time this year we might break 70 and the Boss Lady is off so I get the Mustang... I'm actually going to sit in it 3 seconds before the top drops :D :D :D

I brung de bagels and cream cheese and Philly Pretzels..... Enjoy!!! goldtoth1
Good morning folks

A Friday and we have great weather, now how rare is that? Temperature is supposed to reach 72 F today with no clouds in the sky. It should be a good evening for my daughter’s first softball practice. The clouds will move into night and give us some rain over the weekend.

I finished numbering the Atlas ARHS hoppers last night. I now need to seal them. I also began measuring and fitting some things into and around the stream area near the cement distributor. I now have a good idea how I am going to start things.

Mikey, I am still holding out some hope that we can go to the East Coast Large Scale Train Show on Sunday. I will try to let you know after my daughter’s concert Saturday night.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 62 deg and headed to 74 deg with Blue Clear Skies for now, but March is planning to leave like a Lion with T-Storms to day and a cold front coming thru and falling temps to 38 deg tonight.

The Western Reserve Model Railroad Museum ( ) will be having an open house this Sunday from 10:00am to 8:00pm. All is welcome.

Next OTTS (Ohio Toy Train Summit) meeting Friday, April 14 announce1 Note date change

Pic of the Day


Uh Mikey,where are my sour creme donuts?I've been sick all week and I need some pampering.

As a side note the new NARA decals finally got here after waiting for six weeks for them That'a not a complaint folks .Two days after the guy got my order his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer.Who cares about some damn silly decals anyway.(My wife is a survivor of Ovarian cancer and a breast cancer scare) Anyway they are here if any NARA members are interested.
Geez, based on the number of posts shown for each member in this thread there are really some old F---ts on here sign1

I guess since I'm one as well it would seem okay for me to post here from time to time as well, but sourcreme doughnuts:rolleyes: how about something jelly filled:D :D
:D :D :D Who ya callin' "old" :D :D :D

Brought some cream, Jelly, Boston Cream, Sour Cream :) And a dozen mixed.... :) Whoever doesn't want one, put 'em in the fridge for tomorrow :D

Heyyyyyyy Where did this soda machine come from?!?!?!?! :eek: :eek: mmmmmmmmm Colaaaaaaaaaaa goldtoth1
N Gauger said:
...Heyyyyyyy Where did this soda machine come from?!?!?!?! :eek: :eek: mmmmmmmmm Colaaaaaaaaaaa goldtoth1
Some new hire named Homer something-or-other had it brought in. He also took all the cream donuts. Said something about warming them up in the nucular reactor... :rolleyes::rolleyes: Oh well, it's back to the Quickie Mart for some more.
The night shift has arrived. Washed the coffee pot, polished it inside and out with Brasso and put it in the cupboard.
No donuts left, but the roll-up-the-rim cup someone left got me a Tim Hortons share.
Guess tomorrow I bring my own dutchy.
You know, I've had a few cups of coffee in the Army that tasted like the mess sergeant might well have cleaned the inside of the coffee pot with Brasso:D :D

Guess I'll just have to wait until I smell a fresh pot brewing and then I might drop in for a spell. :thumb:
MilesWestern said:
I'm so glad we have a caboose, but what kind is it? Wooden, Steel? Bay Window, Widevision, Cupola, M of W, or transfer?
It's blue.......

Remember that song: "One piece at a time"?? - Where the car was all parts of all different car model years?

.................. You're there!!!...... It's a 23,34,45, 55,65,76,87,98. C&O, PRR, WM,KT,D&H, IC, etc......

....... She's a Wooden, Steel, Bay Window, Widevision, Cupola, M of W, and transfer....

The caboose/cabin looks different on the outside to every member of The Gauge.....

........But inside, she's blue & white nice & cozy, not to hot, not too cold. And she's all ours, paid in full... For us to enjoy......... :D :D :D
btw, she looks to me to be a 1954 wood, copola bobber.. PRR Tuscan Red, weathered to almost death :) Used and respected on the PRR..... "The Standard Railroad of the world"

............. Why??? What does she "look like" to you???? goldtoth1