Golden Valley module


New Member
Aug 14, 2007
Once again I'm in the building phase after quite a few weeks planing the next module.

This time I'm doing a station module using curves for greater flexibility.
The station is a freelanced town set in the south west in the 50's.
I plan on having a small engine house + coaling, a wooden water tank, a station, a freight depot + a few more things [:)]

The original plan looked like this

After a few suggestions from friends, I opted for curved segments:

A few possible combinations:



The 37degree sections are all made after these measures:

the two first, just to verify the construction

with 'reinforcement' it seems to hold.

Mass production :mrgreen:

between the segments are 3 tracks, 6cm apart.

I used one half of a cork roadbed as a 'ruler' when drawing lines (so that I'd know where to put the glue)

Cork under pressure

the first strip in place, more to come...
I love it! Makes me think long and hard about starting some HO modules for my future Nickel Plate layout...but I really ought to finish my On3 sectional layout first.
Thanks :). the module standard is a swedish standard (Vasterasmodul from 1978 ), a few people do Fremo in Sweden(in HO) but the majority uses this the Vasteras module standard.
3 segments are now fully 'corked'. With these I have the short version of Golden Valley (loco service + freight house) ready...

The gaps between the plywood tops and the sides has been 'sealed' with 20mm styrofoam. (all of them as of now, only one in the pics...)
I used hot glue for this job.

The foundation for a road can be seen in the foreground. Here I used Woodland scenics road bed (left over from a previous project...:))
The tops of it has gotten a thin coat of putty. (Which I plan on painting it with PS Grimy black.)



Here's a close up of the curvable turnouts I'm planing on using
(#5 twistties by Fast Tracks )

After priming of the plywood sides, it's time for the plastercloths :), hopefully this week 8)
Fantastic Modules

Great Work. I'm a newbie and this convinces me to get started. I have a bit of wood and almost got started, but this needs planning.

How much will your just under one meter modules weigh when complete? What is the max length you would feel comportable building?

I am beginning construction on a 4 foot incline coaling trestle that will need a home. With switches and end clearance I figure at least 6 feet.

Also I am looking forward to the curvable switch installation. Photos and comments will be very much appreciated.

:). I think the parts will weigh in at around 2 kg (4lbs) which is quite ok.
The length I've chosen is what I believe I can handle and lift in/out of cars for shows :). A few guys at 'my' club have 5footers, they are a bit cumbersome...
More pics will follow :)
Back to doing modules again after a break doing structures.

Here's an overview of the eastern part of Golden Valley. It has a Freight House, a company house
and a crossing shack and some roads...
Next I'll add some plaster cloth, paint, ground foam etc


Wooden ties glued down (some pre stained).
Since I'm primarily running Marklin I had to add a 3rd rail (using staples soldered to a copper wire).
The modules will also be DCC-compatible, so there will be some work with the turnout... :)


Yup, it's my first attempt with handlaying (I'm entering the dark side :) ). I have a few pages bookmarked with handlaying-for-dummies info :)
Thanks for the encouragement :).
I haven't seen handlaid tracks for Marklin either (perhaps some german sites with the correct googling might yield some hits...).
For this trackplan, I needed curved turnouts with specific radius. The only way(?) to achieve this is to use either CV-curvables, Twistties or handlaying them from scratch. Since this is my first handlaying attempt and I really like the looks ofwooden ties, I went for the Twistties. time will tell if this works :)
Ties dyed, plaster cloth painted, some ground foam added and a little ballast glued down. A 'gravel road can also be seen. The dark brown road will later be an asphalt road. right now I just to make sure no white spots remain. When all track is ballasted, it's time to glue down the rails...
