Goad Furniture


Will always be re-membered
Dec 28, 2000
Georgetown, Ontario,Canada
This is "ABF" for the uninitiated that stands for "another bleeding factory"

It is named the GOAD FURNITURE FACTORY and is named after NARA member #54 Mike Goad.
The furniture designed and manufactured in this plant is sold at fine furniture stores throughout North America and even exports some designs to Europe and the far east.
The GOAD label is synonymous with extraordinary quality at an affordable price.
Much of the raw lumber used comes from a contract that the Goad company has with the Beaver Creek Lumber Company.
Distribution is by the M.A.T. railway and its interchanges.
The port of Tayside is fortunate to have another thriving business that supplies employment to the residents of the city.
N gauge scratchbuilt


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That is a great looking structure Robin!:cool:
I'd love to see you do some kind of tutorial on here about the techniques you use in making all these beautiful models!