GALACTICA 6551: A fan-made virtual 2nd season of BSG by Revell-Fan

Revell-Fan have you ever thought of an action figure comic version? Paper model props, vehicles, and movie sets, using action figures posed and photographed. This guy does some great ones for comic book characters.
Great link, Lee! Thank you for that.

In fact I have thought about that idea and have been developing another story line called "Perseus". It was supposed to feature all the different models we did not see in the original show (including the Aurora, the U-87, the RMQ Cylon Base Star and unique items such as the main ship which is a derivative of the ship called "Cyclops" we will meet later in "Galactica 6551"). It would not be a photo comic but a story book with a paper model in the middle, so-to-speak. You would get a new model with each episode. However, this would afford a tremendous amount of time and work which I don't have at my disposal at the moment. I will never say never but now is not the time. Unfortunately.

If I would choose some episodes being turned into photo comics I would definitely pick the time travel episode ("Experiment in History"), "Close Encounters" and the final episode "Exodus I - V"). There are several more in order to fully explore the scope of the season (there are HUGE shots of the fleet in orbit of Caprica, space battles like the Cylon attack on Earth, all the different emotions in the faces of the protagonists in the character-driven episodes like the War drama "Value of Life" and the fairy tale "A Hero's Ballad"). Sheba's story arc would be interesting to see as well because the second part "State of Mind" features some scenes and opticals which are a bit difficult to explain in the written word, so you have to read carefully and let the images take shape in your mind. Especially the twist at the end was tricky; I really hope the readers understand that story (I'm sure there will be some fans who will not like what I did but the ending sets things right again; if there are any problems there is still the thread to comment and explain ;) ).

BTW, I had the most fun with Baltar. He is really becoming a tragic figure. In the end he will face his ultimate nemesis. I won't tell you more but the epilogue of the season is so mean, you have to read it for sourself in order to believe it. (I almost killed myself laughing and facepalming when I got the idea to end the season like that!) :D ;)
HOWEVER, that should not mean that I wouldn't like to see it happen. So if anyone wants to tackle an episode and turn it into a photo comic you are free to do so. I'm happy to stand by for creative input. :)
I've been in the middle of re-reading a couple of pulp series. After I finish the current one I'll have to take the time to read all of your stories. The hardest thing with the action figure books would be the time making all of the figures since I don't own a set. They would almost all have to be customs. I would like to work on sets if I could get enough research. The "movie sets" and "comic book sets" I usually build are not direct reproductions of real sets. I usually just come up with an idea and design from there. If its my version and not something I've tried to copy I can sell them later if someone is interested. I'm still trying to find the webpage where the guy made a custom Boomer figure. Sometimes I wonder if it takes more time to draw the books from scratch or do all the work for the action figure comics. But once you have the figures and the sets a lot of them could be used over and over for new books. I'm working on several ideas for comic book characters that I've had ideas for. Good luck with your ideas and stories. Look forward to reading them soon.
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I hope you like them! ;)

BTW, I have reduced the picture size to be kind to our servers. The download files will contain the full-res pictures. ;)
I just read your episode one. Very nice work. I enjoyed it. Did you ever make a download version? I didn't see it or episode 6 in the downloads. I finally found the photos of the custom Boomer action figure. Its nicely done but doesn't look exactly like him. Another project if I ever learn 3D design and get a 3D printer. A set of Galactica figure in 6 inch that look like the actors. A nice set of figures, with movie sets, props, and vehicles would make a comic that would look almost real.


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This is cool! Thank you for your comment. Episodes 1 & 6 are incomplete at the moment. Right now I only have the comic pages, the rest of the story is buried in a crate somewhere in my flat. Once I have found them again I'll provide a complete download. I know, this is a shame because these are very good ones and ep 6 is the main reason why I started this project. :)
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I just read your episode one. Very nice work. I enjoyed it. Did you ever make a download version? I didn't see it or episode 6 in the downloads. I finally found the photos of the custom Boomer action figure. Its nicely done but doesn't look exactly like him. Another project if I ever learn 3D design and get a 3D printer. A set of Galactica figure in 6 inch that look like the actors. A nice set of figures, with movie sets, props, and vehicles would make a comic that would look almost real.
I would be interested in a 3d printed version of the characters.
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3D printers are neat, but they are slow, and the plastics used aren't very good. The proprietary stuff we used when I worked in the aerospace industry has not been released, probably because the chemicals are dangerous in their raw form. The scintered Metal 3D printing is the most intense, but that costs a real lot of money, it would be a way of life, not for a Hobbyist. :)
3D printers are neat, but they are slow, and the plastics used aren't very good. The proprietary stuff we used when I worked in the aerospace industry has not been released, probably because the chemicals are dangerous in their raw form. The scintered Metal 3D printing is the most intense, but that costs a real lot of money, it would be a way of life, not for a Hobbyist. :)
I decided it was too expensive for me to get into. After all the years I worked as a freelance graphic designer learned to work on little to no budget. I try to make most of my stuff from recycled materials. Just found out how to take corrugated cardboard scraps and make paper clay out of it.
I would really like to see a tutorial on that!!!
Check this video out. The lady makes a Humpty Dumpty out of home made clay, a balloon, coat hanger, and cardboard. She uses a blender, scrap cardboard, water, and Elmer's Glue. Blend the scrap cardboard in hot water, drain, strain, squeeze the blended material to remove most of the water, add 4 table spoons of Elmer's or other PVA glue and mix well. She applies the home made clay to the balloon with a case knife and lets it air dry.
Howdee, fans! Last week I had some ideas for "Charon". Maybe I got inspired by Halloween because the story will be very spooky. ;) Originally imagined to be a witch hunt similar to an episode of "Charmed" the tenor changed somewhat to get closer to "Supernatural". The three main characters are featured as originally planned but the circumstances and development changed a bit. In the first draft the three heroines were haunted by a ghost. Having escaped from his prison he wants to take revenge on the ones that captured him. When he learned that they have already been dead he decides to have their offsprings to blame for his miserable fate: Cassie, Sheba and Athena. He captures their minds and wants to destroy them the way he was supposed to be destroyed before. This would have been a chance to show life on Caprica before the destruction, including a Hover Mobile chase. What was bothering me was the logical connection. If I established a friendship or relationship between Athena's, Cassie's and Sheba's mothers the Galactica universe would become fairly small. The situation would be interesting but I would restrain myself like it was commonly done in the old comic strips which relied mostly on the same characters and connections that were already known without bringing anything new on the table. The new approach is much more logical and the way the three are summoned is pretty nice. At this moment I cannot say if the car chase will be omitted or not, we'll see. However, it seems that this will be the first episode featuring NO Vipers and NO use of laser fire! And two special guests will appear (Vincent Pryce and a well-known guest star tying two universes together ;) ). Stay tuned! ;)
I've been checking into it but it looks like a steep learning curve. Plus from what I can find out it can take over 24 hours to print one figure. But I'm still researching.
You would not have to "print" the whole figure, only the head and perhaps the hands... use a ready-made 6" figure and replace the head!

If you have Daz3d "free MEGA download" I have the facial morphs for quite a lot of characters that would work... then your print time is drastically reduced... if you print in PLA or even PVC you could get a decent character... Of course, buying the printer and sewing/fabricating the costumes would still be needed!!;)

Or on the other hand... Clip Studio Paint which you can get cheap, will import 3d meshes, and you sort-of got an instant comic!

But then nothing worth doing is as easy as typing it!!:(:frak:
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11. Reflections

The fleet has returned home. Cynthia remembers the last days with Apollo.

While Cynthia was allowed to pause in the previous episode, she now has her last big appearance. This episode was created only on one day, the shortest episode of the season and it plays on four different time levels. Emotionally charged and concise, Cynthia describes the last days with Apollo before he leaves her. She shows a lot of compassion and does not dare to tell her lover about her pregnancy. Her condition helps her to overcome her pain and gives her the hope. The characters are victims of unpredictable circumstances and so they become tragic. REFLECTIONS intentionally renounces action and violence and contrasts with the previous episodes. It is the tragic end of an intense love story and marks the end of the Earth arc. Galactica resumes her quest for Earth.

This is the only episode that is completely available as a comic book.

12. A Hero’s Ballad

Starbuck is facing death for breaking the law on an alien planet. He is saved by a young woman – under one condition...

This episode is - a fairy tale in BSG style! I was always intreagued to write something like that because the opening narration of each episode sounds like the prolog to a fairy tale. I thought, why not go all-out, and assemble the traditional ingredients: a medieval setting with kings and queen, a heroic knight, a damsel in distress and of course a dragon. Even though this episode was designed as a filler it is pretty fun. :)

13. Voice of the Serpent

An ordinary day on Baltar‘s asteroid sees the beginning of a fruitful partnership.

Now this is a VERY IMPORTANT one. I don't want to tell too much about it, you may have already read the little preview I posted somewhat earlier in the thread, but the final revision is a key entry leading towards the Grande Finale. It is a very short episode but it is essential. Enjoy this little intimate play which only has two (or maybe two and a half ;) ) men making a deal of some sort..! ENJOY! THAT'S AN ORDER! :skull

And now the apology.

I forgot to add the end of the vampire episode. Shame on me. I will correct this error asap. :)
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I'm currently revising the English version of the vampire episode. Since the story is set and done it is only a matter of checking grammar and style.

Good news for the next missing episode "14. World's End": Last week I got an inspiration and started writing it down. The story is based on another entry in the "Seal our Fate" series but it goes much deeper than its original inception. I'd like to finish it first before posting the other episodes which are already available because it affects the follow-up episode 15. Both were in fact inspired by "Deep Space Nine".

Due to a malfunction in her engines the Delphi is forced to crash-land on a desert planet. She crashes near a big town. The population of the planet is not space-faring yet and has never seen aliens from another galaxy before. The military leader locates the wreckage and suspects it to be a new secret test vehicle launched by their enemies. Apollo & Starbuck are sent down to investigate and to prepare the salvage operation. The away team needs to hide at a local farmer's family. They learn about an old prophecy predicting the end of the world, maybe the end of everything. They don't believe it but are forced to see that two of three predictions have already come true.

In the original SoF version the Delphi crashed in the Iraqi desert (you remember, the show was a spin-off of "Galactica: 1980", "Knight Rider" and "Columbo"). Water is a crucial part of the military conflict. The away team investigates the place on Turbobikes and hides from the police by turning themselves invisible. The prophecy element was still there, as was the fact that the survivors of the crash were about to die from the heat inside the wreckage.

I liked that premise and thought it would make a good BSG episode, so I imagined an alien planet inhabited by reptiloids. The away team investigates the situation in disguise. They are wearing latex masks like in the classic "Mission: Impossible" show. The new twist is this: Sheba gets caught by the military leader - and her true identity is uncovered! So the away team has to fight at two fronts to rescue Sheba and to save the survivors from certain death.

I imagined this episode so vividly that I thought I had written it down. Unfortunately that was not the case. I only had the SoF script and the successing episode 15 which is a direct continuation of the episode. It took me a while to get back to this one because it is a very intense episode and has dramatic consequences for Seba. I'm aware of the fact that a few (maybe many) fans won't like what I'm doing to Sheba but I thought it would be interesting to show someone of her caliber being confronted with an enemy she has never met before. She is literally taken apart piece by piece. If you dont like that just skip the next two episodes. If you are curious to see how PTSD may affect a Viper pilot - just take a look. But be warned, the stuff is not easy to digest. This is as dark as it can get and in a way I foresaw the dark style of the New BSG series by Ron Moore when I came up with the story, 20 years ago.
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FINALLY - the vampire episode is up! ;)

10. Close Encounters

It's ugly, it's gritty - in short: "Galactica" goes "Aliens"!
( @ASC Mclaren : ) Have fun and - be scared..! :Bat:skull:eek:

There are a few (partly drawn!) pages missing which will be added to the second post once I have retrieved them from the vault; the first paragraph in italics describes what happened in these pages. ;)
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