GALACTICA 6551: 12. A Hero's Ballad


Staff member
Aug 1, 2009

12. A Hero’s Ballad


by Marcell von dem Berge
(© 12.05.1999 / revision #1 7/2017 / revision #2 7/2019)


Based on the classic television series BATTLESTAR GALACTICA created by Glen A. Larson
and on characters created by Glen A. Larson.
Battlestar Galactica © ® & ™ Universal City Studios.
This script is free. It is a non-profit fan project and for personal use only.
No infringement intended.
No commercial use.


There are those, who believe…


Liv Tyler as Ada
Sam Neill as The Judge


A minstrel playing a guitar at a piazza of a medieval city. He has a bow on his nose, like the other people on the planet.

Once a stranger came to this place
from far away but full with grace.
His mind was quick and his heart was good,
but that did not save him from the law so rude.
He saved the Princess, it was almost too late,
although this was what sealed his fate.

His friends came by to stand by him,
but the law was strict and fairly grim.
The same day he stood on the dreaded scaffold,
it looked like he would never get old.
But all of a sudden a maiden came
to save him from eternal shame.

Although he was saved from certain death,
he was afraid and sad and full of grief.
He had to abandon his home and his friends
which broke his heart and tied his hands.
However he started to like his new life
at the fine house that belonged to his handsome new wife.

But their luck together did not last so long,
because soon after there was something wrong.
The Maid had won in the lottery,
which was feared by everyone, you and me.
She was chosen to give her life
and her husband stood there in disbeleif.

He bravely climbed up the biggest mountain
to face the monster’s fiery fountain.
When he finally saw what he was up against,
he was frozen in fear and deepest angst.
He knew he had to pay a price,
and what he paid that was his life.

BOY (with a “normal” nose, listening to the song): Mother, did it really occur this way?
ADA (dark haired with a few gray strains, sitting on a bench with some embroidery): Yes, that's exactly how it was... (she’s remembering...)


A sunny spring day on a distant planet. The rocky landscape is dominated by green vegetation. An away team is collecting plants from a meadow in a valley.

ATHENA: Collect as many sprouts as you can. We don’t know when we’ll be able to expand our menu again. But beware of trying something you don’t know.

Jolly looks up: He just wanted to put a berry in his mouth and throws it over his shoulder.

ATHENA (to Apollo): Where’s Starbuck?
APOLLO: He’s strolling about again. I'll take a look.

Starbuck is collecting seeds at the riverbank. Suddenly he hears someone crying for help. He looks around and sees a woman in the water who is about to drown.

APOLLO: Starbuck!

Starbuck takes off his shirt and pants.

APOLLO: Starbuck! What are you up to?!
STARBUCK: She’s drowning! I gotta help her!
APOLLO: Stay here! Nobody knows of our presence. It could be dangerous to interfere!
STARBUCK: Do you really want me to let her die? You can’t be serious!

Starbuck jumps into the water and pulls woman to the opposite shore.

STARBUCK: Frak! She’s not breathing! Okay, okay... What did Cassie teach you? Oh yeah!

Starbuck resuscitates the woman. She regains consciousness and coughs. A squad of armed guards is emerging on horses.

SOLDIER: Hey! Stand back! What are you doing?!
STARBUCK: Me? I’ve saved her life. She almost drowned.
SOLDIER: Which family are you from?
STARBUCK: Family? I am... an orphan.
SOLDIER: An untitled one! Seize him!

The soldiers grab Starbuck and put shackles on him.

STARBUCK: What does that mean?!
SOLDIER: No untitled one may touch a member of the Royal family! You will die for your crime!
STARBUCK: What?! You must be kidding!
SOLDIER: That's the supreme law. Take him away!

Starbuck looks at the shore, Apollo is looking back at him.

Adama & Apollo are standing before the judge.

JUDGE: Unfortunately there’s nothing I can do. He’s already been judged. I'm sorry but the Ralon legal system is flawless. Ignorance is no excuse in law, unless the delinquent is of unsound mind. But his mind seemed very sound to me.
ADAMA: Yes. May we at least talk to him one last time?
JUDGE: You’d better hurry... Any clear infraction of the law is dealt with immediately. He’s being executed.

Market place. A crowd has gathered. A headsman is standing on a rostrum, the axe in his hand at the ready. Starbuck is standing beside him in chains, a drummer is hitting the drums.

JUDGE: In the name of the King's people we have gathered here to carry out a sentence.

JOLLY (& Boomer, wearing frocks): Do you really think we should get him out of here by force? Apollo said it could make things worse.
BOOMER: If we do nothing we can only bring him home in two parts. I don’t know how you see it, but I prefer seeing his head on his neck.
JOLLY: Okay. But they have scythes and axes!
BOOMER (lifts his frock and presents a laser in his hand): And we have this. Trust me, in a few centons Starbuck will be a free man again.

The judge continues. Starbuck notices Boomer in the crowd, relieved.

JUDGE: In accordance with our law I’m asking the following question to the people at this place before we proceed: Who wants him?
STARBUCK (looks back at the judge, puzzled): Huh?!
JUDGE: Surely, his nose is not that hefty, but he's young, healthy and strong.

BOOMER (speaks into Comlink): Stand by! There’s something wrong..!

STARBUCK: What do you mean?!

JOLLY: What's that mean?
BOOMER: No idea. It looks like they intend to auction him off..!

Three women standing together.

WOMAN #1: I don’t like his nose.
WOMAN #2: He would do well in the kitchen.
WOMAN #3: Or in the barn.
WOMAN #1: What do you need a barn for? You don’t have any cattle.
WOMAN #3: That's none of your business!

JUDGE: Nobody wants him? Then we will…
ADA (in the crowd): I want him!

HEADSMAN: Awh, drat! (puts his axe down)

JUDGE: So it shalt be, woman. Come up!
STARBUCK: What's that supposed to be?!
JUDGE: If someone wants you you'll be spared. (hands Starbuck a pen) Do you accept?
STARBUCK: Oh yes! I greatly accept! (the judge points at a scroll, Starbuck signs it) But why didn’t you tell me earlier?
JUDGE: Oh, didn’t you know that? Either decapitation - or marriage. (hands Ada the scroll) Please sign here.
STARBUCK: Marriage?!
JUDGE: Take his chains off!
STARBUCK: No! I don’t want her! Come on, do it, hang me!

BOOMER: What's wrong with him?

JUDGE (rolls up the scroll and puts it in his side pocket): You have accepted. You are now married till death do you part. And now go and be happy!
STARBUCK: You can’t do that! I don’t even know her!
JUDGE: If you don’t leave the podium immediately I'll have you jailed for obstructing justice!
STARBUCK: You’ve jailed me already..!

Adama & Apollo arrive. Apollo sees the crowds leaving and a stunned expression on Boomer’s face.

APOLLO: Boomer... Oh my Gods, we're too late...
BOOMER: He resisted to the last...
ADAMA: He’s really got..!
STARBUCK:... Married! Just because! Without asking me! By the way, this is Ada. She robbed me of my innocence..!


Ada's house.

STARBUCK (at the table): I’ll appeal.
APOLLO: You can’t. I’ve checked their law thoroughly. There is no paragraph that releases a person sentenced to marriage.
STARBUCK: What about divorce?
APOLLO: Not applicable. Punishment is punishment. The conversion gives you, the condemned, a second chance. But it is always risky because you are not allowed to choose your partner. You are bound to her for the rest of your life.
STARBUCK: Then I'll bunk off. At least they can’t sentence me to death twice.
APOLLO: No, but then she has to pay for what you did.
APOLLO: With her signature she's agreed to be responsible for all your crimes if you abscond.
STARBUCK: This is a pathetic body of laws!
APOLLO: Only the King could reprieve you. But given the gravity of your crime I doubt he'll even consider it.
STARBUCK:... I just wanted to help... He should have given me a reward..! Half a Kingdom or something like that... But this means you’ll have to leave me behind..!

STARBUCK (to Ada): Why did you do that?
ADA: I wanted to help you. I didn’t want you to die.
STARBUCK: Nice help. I’m losing my people because of you. What were you thinking? I could have been a felon, maybe a murderer..!
ADA: No. I have seen your eyes. You are good. You don’t deserve to die, even if the court thinks you do. I'm sorry if you didn’t want my help.
STARBUCK:... Excuse me...
ADA: You don’t have to lose your home. I could come with you. I am your wife...
STARBUCK:... No, that won’t work. You wouldn’t like it where I live.
ADA: I don’t understand. I assumed you came from a place beyond the mountains. Is that not true?
STARBUCK: Well, "beyond" is correct, but not as you understand it.
APOLLO: Starbuck, Galactica cannot stay in orbit forever. We must go. You have to make a decision.
STARBUCK:... If I leave she’ll be as good as dead. If I take her with me she’ll perish. I would take her away from paradise and lock her up in a tin can. I couldn’t live with that. She saved my life. She’s completely innocent. Here. (gives Apollo a bag of Cubits) Buy a round for everyone in my name. As a redemption for not inviting them to the wedding. The schedule was pretty tight. And tell them... tell them that I love them. Especially Cassie. And that I will never forget them.
APOLLO: Alright, my friend..!
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The next day. At the front of the house. Cassie is standing by Starbuck and Ada. Boomer and Apollo are with them.

CASSIE: I could stay with you.
STARBUCK: I’ve gotten myself into this. I don’t want anyone to blame for me. (gives Cassie one of his collar pins) So that you won’t forget me.
CASSIE: I’ll always love you..! (kiss & hug; to Ada) Take good care of him, will you? He is … He’s the best…
ADA: I will...
APOLLO: The jump drive of several ships needs to be maintained, so the fleet will stay in the vicinity a bit longer than expected. The asteroids we encountered provide enough cover and seem to be full of tylium and water ice, so we may harvest them en route. (gives Starbuck an apparatus) A one-way communicator, in case you have a change of heart and want to go back. Activate it, and I'll be back.


APOLLO: I hate to say goodbye!
STARBUCK: Don’t worry! I’ll be okay.

Apollo leaves.

STARBUCK (turns around): Oh, Apollo... Send me a postcard when you have fond Earth!
APOLLO: I promise!

Apollo leaves.

ADA (gets closer to Starbuck): You have left your friends just to protect me. I was right: You are good.
STARBUCK (moves a strand out of Ada’s face): You too..!

In the house, at night. Starbuck is reading a big book.

ADA: You are reading that book all day and all night, for weeks. What are you looking for?
STARBUCK: For a way to return without putting you in danger. Maybe Apollo missed something, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. I've read something about what you call "G'rath." What's that?
ADA: A beast with a hundred teeth and the strength of a thousand men. The bravest men of the country have tried to defeat him. They all fell.
STARBUCK: That doesn’t sound good... Tell me, is there anything at this place which is not punished with death?
ADA: Yes, this... (kisses Starbuck)
STARBUCK: Mmh... Listen, I don’t know if that's right...
ADA: The privilege of the spouses. What could be wrong with that?

Kiss. A view at the crescent.


A new day has dawned. Starbuck is chopping wood in blue trousers and a checked shirt, Ada is coming out of the house. She is wearing a red skirt, a white apron and a black blouse.

STARBUCK: Good morning, honey!
ADA: I've prepared some embroideries. Are you coming to the market with me?
STARBUCK: I am, just let me carry the logs into the house.


STARBUCK: You know, today I realized the advantages of your legislation. Everyone plys his trade, pays his taxes on time and avoids becoming criminal. I think it was not too bad a decision to stay here.
ADA: And what do you think about marriage?
STARBUCK: I'm slowly beginning to like it. One thing’s for sure: I like you, I like your smile, and I like your nose. (kisses her nasal bow)

Soldiers are approaching on horseback.

VASSAL: In the name of the King!
STARBUCK: Oh, I forgot... it is forbidden to kiss someone in public, right? I hope you won’t cut off my tongue or something else...
VASSAL: Are you Ada, the embroiderer?
ADA: Yes.
VASSAL: Your name has been drawn at the monthly lottery.
VASSAL: She has been chosen to satisfy the greed of the G'rath.
STARBUCK: You can’t do that!
VASSAL: This is the law. Seize her!
ADA: Starbuck!

Ada is taken away, Starbuck is restrained.

STARBUCK: Ada! Don’t worry, I won’t let you down! I will fight for you!
VASSAL: That's your privilege. You are her husband. However, I don’t understand. When your wife is sacrificed in three days you are free to go. As you wished from the beginning..! (rides away)

Starbuck looks helpless.


In the mountains. Starbuck, the judge & the vassal are approaching on a cart pulled by two horses.

STARBUCK: How long has your life been determined by this G'rath?
JUDGE: For an eternity. If we don’t present him three chosen ones every morning after a full moon he will come to the city and destroy everything.
STARBUCK: So you would be glad if someone would come and kill him?
JUDGE: Naturally. But to this day nobody was successful.
VASSAL: We are here. (stops in front of a cave)
STARBUCK: Is the G'rath in there?
JUDGE: Yes. The chosen ones, too.
STARBUCK: Listen, there was no need for you to accompany me. I would have found the way if you had described it to me.
JUDGE: It's alright. We are here to witness the fight and testify to the winner.
STARBUCK: I hope your bet’s on me..! (gets off the cart) Any last tips?
JUDGE: Well, stay brave, be pure in heart, and don’t loose your head! (Starbuck smiles back)
VASSAL: Wait! (throws a sword to Starbuck, Starbuck catches it) You’d like to have a chance..! (Starbuck nods and leaves. To the judge:) What a pity. He is a brave man. But he’ll never make it.
JUDGE: That doesn’t seem to bother him..!

STARBUCK (heading for the cave, talking to himself): Apollo, I hope you have received my call. If not, it does not matter any more..!

Inside the cave. Water is dripping from the ceiling, a breeze is howling like a gigantic breath. Starbuck hears the whimpering of the chosen ones: three women tied to a stalagmite. You can hear a rumbling noise.

WOMAN #1: Do you hear that, too?
WOMAN #2: That's him! He’s going to kill us all!
ADA: Have faith! My husband will come and protect us. He promised.
STARBUCK: And I always keep my promises!
WOMAN #1: There he is!
ADA: My dearest! I knew you wouldn’t let us down!
STARBUCK: Calm down. I’m getting you out of here. Be quiet or he knows where we are.
WOMAN #1: He has already smelled us. He is on his way here.
STARBUCK: Don’t panic! (cuts the shackles with his sword)
WOMAN #1 (hugs him): Oh thank you, thank you so much!
WOMAN #2: And you didn’t like his nose.
WOMAN #1: And you wanted him in the kitchen. See, he’s doing much better with the sword!
ADA: What are you talking about?
STARBUCK: You may discuss that later, ladies. Let’s go!

The Judge and the vassal are playing cards on the cart.

JUDGE: Today it takes longer than usual.
VASSAL: Yes. Last time there was only a scream, and - that's it. (puts his final card down) Done!
JUDGE: You know, if you cheat you'll become his dessert..!

The tree women escape from the cave screaming. Starbuck is following them. Judge & vassal look up.

JUDGE: What the...

G'rath (a giant lizard) breaks out of the cave like the T-Rex in “JP”, the horses are baulking.

VASSAL: Look! He’s coming straight for us!
JUDGE: Let’s get out of here! Turn her around! Turn her around!

WOMAN #1 & WOMAN #2: Wait! Take us with you! (climb onto the cart and drive away)

Ada tumbles, turns back, sees Starbuck fighting the G'rath → Starbuck cuts G'rath's head off, G'rath drops dead.

STARBUCK (to Ada): It's alright, it's over. That was a piece of cake! Hard to believe that none of your people has succeeded yet..!

G'rath is moving again, two new heads are growing.

ADA: That’s why they didn’t make it! It’s his strongest means of defense.
STARBUCK: How come he had only one head when we met him first?
ADA: One of the new heads will fall off after some time.
STARBUCK: And when will that be?
ADA: Two full moons or so… Needless to say he’s twice as hungry now.
STARBUCK: Great, just great..! Go, get out of here! Quickly!

Starbuck fights, G'rath grabs Starbuck, throws him backwards → G'rath gets closer to him, is hit by a laser blast, turns his heads to the right: Apollo is here, standing on a ridge!

STARBUCK: Apollo! I almost thought you wouldn’t come..!
APOLLO (steps down from the ridge): I always keep my promises. I found your message at the house and followed the tracks.
STARBUCK: Any idea?
APOLLO: I take one head, you the other!
STARBUCK: It’s no use, they'll double if they are chopped off!

G'rath attacks, Starbuck & Apollo spread.

STARBUCK: The cave! He must go back! We’ll collapse it with the laser!
APOLLO: Good idea!

Starbuck runs inside, G'rath follows him. Starbuck hides in a niche, Apollo adjusts his laser.

APOLLO: Starbuck! I'm ready!
STARBUCK (G'rath behind him): Then shoot!
APOLLO: Starbuck!

Apollo fires, Starbuck runs out of the cave, G'rath follows him, falling rocks are blocking the way, G'rath is buried under tons of debris. His heads are still sticking out of the cave. He is hissing and tries to break free. Apollo looks at some darker coloured rocks.
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STARBUCK: Frak, he’s breaking free!
APOLLO: Starbuck, look! These rock look like the asteroids. There is tylium inside!
STARBUCK: Enough to kill it?
APOLLO: Let’s find out!

Both fire at the rocks. A gigantic explosion disrupts the cave and the body of G’rath. The judge and the vassal are looking back at the mountains.

Ada is rushing down the hill. She sees the dead body of the beast but there is no sign of Apollo and Starbuck.

ADA: Starbuck! Friend! Where are you?

She starts digging in the debris. The judge and the vassal are coming.

ADA: Come here! Help me!

They are all digging – and finally pull our heroes out of the rubble. Both are caughing.

JUDGE: Phew, you did it! You really did it!
STARBUCK (to Apollo): With some little help..!
ADA (hugs Starbuck): You were very brave!
APOLLO: Well, the line between courage and recklessness is very thin.
JUDGE: You are our hero. (to Apollo) And you too, of course, my dear friend of the laws.
ADA: Thank you for your help. You are a good friend.
APOLLO: You’re welcome. Did you find a gap in the law?
STARBUCK: Unfortunately not. But I needed help urgently and I knew I could always count on you. I haven’t found many friends here that are as reliable as you. Save Ada...
APOLLO: Then we’ll have to say goodbye again?
JUDGE (looking down at the carcass): Not necessarily, no.
STARBUCK: What do you mean?
JUDGE: See, you have liberated us from evil. We all owe you our lives. There is absolutely nothing we could do for you that outweighs your sacrifice.
STARBUCK: Sacrifice?
JUDGE: Look, my friend, I’m not a fool. I know your most fervent wish. But I’m also a man of the laws. The law forbids to let you go – unless fate strikes. And what could be more fateful than this.
STARBUCK: I quite don’t understand…
JUDGE: You killed the G’rath and in doing so you sacrificed yourself. We are the only witnesses. No one else has seen what has happened. We will spread the word and tell them you were obliterated when the cave collapsed. Nobody would ever question my words. You would be officially dead and the bond between you and Ada would be dissolved. You could finally go home.
STARBUCK: Are you serious? I shall leave?
JUDGE: That's what you always wanted...
STARBUCK: Yes, then! (to Ada) So much has happened since then that I’m not sure if I should leave you...
APOLLO: Starbuck, it's about time. The fleet is 19 hexars away and will be out of reach soon.
ADA: You are talking in your sleep about things I do not understand. I think you miss your home more than you want it to admit. Go, it may be your only chance… Your last chance..! Through you I have experienced love. And I want you to be happy..!
STARBUCK: Will you be happy without me?
ADA: If you regain your freedom, I will be as happy as I was at the night we loved each other for the first time.
STARBUCK (gives Ada his second collar pin): So you don’t forget me...
ADA (gives Starbuck a handkerchief): Here... self-embroidered...


STARBUCK: You are a wonderful woman..! (to the Judge, shaking hands) Thank you.
JUDGE: You are welcome.
ADA: And you are a hero. My hero!... Starbuck, please tell me: Where is your home?
STARBUCK:... I'll show you when I come back. (leaves on horseback)


At the marketplace, where our story began.

So the story of the hero ends,
who came to the city with capable hands.

Everyone else had fought in vain,
it was him who freed us from evil and pain.
This ballad shalt always be sung and be played,
so that forever he exists and lives in this place.

Ada is sitting on a bench, looking at Starbuck’s badge in her hand.


Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny…


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