Free Sci-Fi paper models

Hey thanks! Robot Jox is one of my favorite movies, as it is a prime example of corny dialogue and stop motion photography. [ which I have loved since I was a kid] I would rather have the Russian one, but oh well., making a smoking fist shooting out from it's arm.... RJ2 is pretty good stop motion also just for the record.
Hehe, the creator is a member here, too! Thanks for posting! :)
Oh, Robot Jox is one of my childhood faves as well, cannot wait to see the finished template :D
Excellent find! Thank you very much, I love the Batwing, I never saw a model of this ship. I will be waiting for its launch.
I don't use tabs, and find that once you have mastered the "Array" function, tabs are easy to make. That being said, some may find these scripts useful.
The part numbering is a great feature. I used the plug in and found no adverse effects using it. I didn't need it, but it won't harm Rhino in anyway I saw. :)
This thread is one of the nicest things about Zealot. A topic I ran across of only low interest to me (buses and buildings for me); but, it sparked memories and interest in a number of others who were kind enough to reply and let me know I did the right thing in passing it on. Definitely keeps me interested in helping others by posting the odd link or two I run across. And seeing a pix of a completed model would be nice.
have fun with sci-fi, Swamp Daddy
An interactive forum is the only way to go. :)
Spendlik's models are amazing. His Dreadnaught is a fantastic piece of card engineering. I look forward to his Robo Jox model and the Batwing which is a favourite of mine, I have a model in the other material and his paper interpretation will be a work of art.