[Free-MOn30] Expansion of the UC&A Ry.


Ignorant know it all
Hello Everyone,

Here's a cross posting for any On30 enthusiast in Southern Ontario, in or near the
Greater Toronto Area.

If you are interested in building On30 Modules and participating in shows and meets,
please join the Free-MOn30 yahoo group:

The following is a message that I posted on the Free-MOn30 yahoo group as part of our
recruiting drive.

----- Forwarded message from rat-bag@vif.com -----
Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2007 10:41:12 -0400
From: "Ron Wm. Hurlbut (HV&S/UC&A in On30 & Hn42)" <rat-bag@vif.com>
Reply-To: Free-MOn30@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Free-MOn30] Expansion of the UC&A Ry.
To: Free-MOn30@yahoogroups.com

Hello Everybody,

The Founders of the Upper Canada & Algonquin Railway are looking to
expand operations:
Free-MOn30 St@nd@rds

At the Second Annual Ontario Narrow Gauge Show in Schomberg last April
we generated some interest in On30 Modules using the Free-MOn30 Module

At the show, we sold some Interface Plates and Anderson PowerPole
electrical connectors to some of the show attendees.

If you bought some interface Plates and PowerPoles, we'd really like
to see you use them. Don't just put them on a shelf with your other
unbuilt kits waiting for someday....

With the show being in April, we realize that it is the end of Model
Railroad Season and many of us pursue other outdoor interests during
the warm weather. So, we've held back until now, when there is a hint
of chill in the air before starting our recruiting drive.

This isn't a club, and there aren't any dues, but we would like you to
get involved and build some modules.

The UC&A are committed to the be at the Toronto Christmas Train Show:

At this show, we participate with the Narrow Gauge Madness Gang and
usually set up a module or two that are under construction. It's a
generic How-To kind of thing and it appeals to the general masses.

If we can manage to get enough polish on our modules we'll set up at
the Copetown show on February 24:
Canadian Association of Railway Modellers

On April 12, there's the 3rd annual Ontario Narrow Gauge Show:
Narrow Gauge 2006

Then there's the 5th Annual Canadian Association of
Railway Modellers National Convention:
Canadian Association of Railway Modellers

That's four shows that take us into the spring....

Every set up is aimed at recruitement for new members...

The summer tends to be quiet, but then we get back to public shows in
the fall...

----- End forwarded message -----
Interesting stuff...! Always good to see other approaches to modular railroading. I have a friend who is experimenting with large scale modules (think Garden Railway on a table top).

Narrow gauge - ok, but he's talkin' standard. That equipment is big, heavy, and does not take kindly to sharp corners... Still, very interesting to try, and the results should certainly get your attention.

Hi Andrew,

I agree that sharp curves can be a problem, even though most G-Scale stuff is built to go around a 48" radius curve, it doesn't always look good doing it...

However, if you break away from a tail chaser set-up and do a linear point to point layout, there won't be a problem.


Free-Mo for Large-Scale = G-Mo! :thumb::thumb::thumb: