[Free Model #3] - Canon's Komatsu Loading Shovel

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David H

Nov 2, 2005
I live in North Yorkshire
Well I said I would join in.

So far in 2008 I have been a bit pressed for time so not a lot of model building has gone on:

* Work
* Family
* Lots of cycling to reduce my girth!

But there's nothing like a deadline to focus ones mind so here we go.

Available from the Canon site at:

Canon 3D Papercraft - Wheel Loader
Komatsu comic - 1.jpg

Komatsu comic - 2.jpg

Komatsu comic - 3.jpg

Hope my little tweaks are within the rules and spirit of the building competition? Please don't refrain from letting me know!

I doubt any of my local quarries will support one of these monsters (we don't mine uranium or diamonds in these parts) so I am off to surf the web in search of big, big loaders and get more inspired!

Finally, come on the rest of you! Pick that little free model that's been lying all alone and neglected on your hard drive and get building!

A Bank Holiday well spent doing what I wanted to do, the best. However, cycling into a blizzard in late March in Yorkshire was cold!

Still playing with subassemblies, Canon are big on this tactic and to be honest in the past it has been a bit of a turn off. Their models all rely heavily on breaking down the project into little chunks (to help kids achieve a finished model?).

I was wrong! Its a very good system and works well, the designers have put a lot of thought in.

Today I clocked up 4 hours on the wheels. Canon suggest traditional tabbed construction. I did not like the look of this, so, I very carefully built some hubs from cereal box, they look a bit like bobbins.

The tyres were easy to lap around these but looked a bit flat, So I added raised tread. I used copied tyre patterns and more cereal pack - I scanned and added a couple of extra treads to each tyre strip in Photohop to make enough treads for a complete tyre.

I have never done tyre treads before but have seen it carried out with aplomb here and on other sites. While its not as bad as rigging cannon it is a dull, dull task, it helps if there is a good show on the radio and it's snowing outside. Oh it uses a lot of PVA.

Komatsu comic - 4.jpg

Unfortunately I have a business trip coming up this week so I don't think I will get much further until the weekend. That deadline is ticking...

A quick extra on the laminating.

I laminated "outward" so the gap between arms stayed the correct width for part 16. Luckily Keisuki Saka, the designer, made the pivots on the front truck wide enough to take this huge increase in arm thickness...

I am thinking about beefing up the bucket too. My experience with large excavators is that they are generally made from 50mm, 75mm and thicker steel plates, so 160gsm will not do! Mud-guards etc. are generally just mild steel so thin card is ideal.


Looks great so far David.

I love what you did with the wheels. I also want to build this loader and don't care for the flat look of the wheels either, so it's great to see how they turned out. Now I know it will be worth the extra effort when I build my own.

Keep up the great work.

Hi guys, no progress but some pictures I took after my last post was made.

I just had to offer up the various components for a check on their general arrangement and fit.

Komatsu comic - 5.jpg

Thanks for the kind words on the wheels / tyres a you can see they are not as perfect as my earlier pictures suggest. I reckon each wheel ha taken about 80 minutes so far :eek: and then there's the painting, hubs to fit and the mounting.

Fingers crossed that my travels tomorrow may allow me to check some details on a real shovel.

Nice looking build so far. I have this in my "to be built" pile as well. One suggestion though: The tires are directional and should have the chevron patterns pointed the other way around (just swap the right and left sides).:thumb:

Looking forward to your next installment.

yes indeed! very realistic and very clean build. Thanks for sharing!
Not too many words.

I should remark that so far it has all gone together very accurately and straight.
Komatsu comic - 6.jpg

Komatsu comic - 7.jpg

The big hinge is a cylinder of rolled card rather than the odd hexagonal device supplied in the kit, I bushed the pivots with paper as well to beef them up a touch.

Oh, thanks to Greg, I think I got my tyres correct this time?

Yes the tires are right and look great as does the rest of your build.:thumb:

Hi all,

Just the quickest of updates. A lot of fiddling with little bits you can barely see like the side boxes that supports the deck and a last minute change of heart; the cab windows just could not remain unglazed.

Komatsu comic - 8.jpg

I am looking forward to fabricating the safety railings over the weekend and sorting out the final painting of the tyres.


Hi Guys,

Pictures not words.

Railings are the printed parts laminated to 0.5mm card and painted with cyanoacrylate using a toilet tissue "brush" then painted dark grey with a touch of PVA added.

I cut the centres from the rear view mirrors and put silver card in.

Wheels are the same very dark grey.
Komatsu comic - 09.jpg

Komatsu comic - 10.jpg

Komatsu comic - 11.jpg

This is looking way better than I ever expected this model to look... a lot of the canon "work" vehicles tend to look a bit cartoonish with those unglazed windows, good idea to take them out, I'll be more inclined to build this one myself now that I've seen what can be done with a bit of extra effort.

Can't wait to see more.
Thanks, not much more to do now.

I thought long and hard before I started (commuting has some uses after all) and considered several other models prior to selecting this one.

I have resisted the temptation to add new detail and prefered to try and trick the eye with dark grey paint and by raising some detail in relief. This is why I like card modelling; you can go all the way and build all the details or just suggest them.

To be sure the Komatsu model is a caricature but I think it captures the feel of the prototype very well. The omissions make quite a list but Mr Keisuke Saka has designed a little gem. It looks right and looks heavy.

I am tempted to begin the dump truck but not inclined to build the 360 excavator. It looks to toy like. Or is that a challenge?

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