Fowler's Fine Furnature



This'un is bashed from the Walther's kit Geo. Roberts Printing company.

Other than the kit itself the only other item used was some sheet styrene.


This end widened with piece from front wall


Truck dock is right end of stock kit


The backwall as you can see is plain styrene :eek:


This wall is plain styrene with some paint work.

S'pose I should mention that this is N scale:D :D
Good example of bashing Catt. Did the fire escape come with the kit?
One real benefit of scratchin and bashin is to leave those areas not visible on the layout, blank Saves time and energy and no one knows but you.
Keep up the good work friend.
Very kewl. I'm looking at getting that kit to be my newspaper/publishing co. ("The Gauge", actually), with a portion of the upper floor reserved for a radio station (not quite sure how I'm going to do that yet, we'll see). I'm planning on raising it up so that there's a "basement" where rolling stock can be switched underneath. At least that's the plan so far.

HO btw.
Robin,the fire escape comes with the kit,but can be a real pain in the butt to put together,but it sure makes a difference to the building.

Mike,I'm going to duplicate this one in HO for my buddys layout.:D