'First impressions' and full 'Kit Reviews' template


Jan 12, 2004
Toronto, Canada
Please, when posting full kit reviews or first impressions, use the appropriate forum. In the subject line of the post, all that is needed is the publisher's name and the subject's name ie: GPM #940 Ju 87B

Try to stick with the basic layouts here and if I've missed anything, feel free to add your own :)

1. Model Subject ie. Pfalz D.III
2. Scale ie. 1:33
3. Publisher and model number ie. Models by Marek #6
4. Designer if available
5. Distributor if it's an exclusive item ie. DeWayne Barnett http://www.teuton.org/dbarnett/
6. If it's a pdf, if possible, let us know if it's unlocked or not


If its a first impressions thing, just the usual page count on model parts, instructions etc. A brief description of the kit, what you think of the print quality and registration , any positive things or negative things you might see right away. If you see something exceptional, tell us about that as well.

A thumbnail or 2 would also be great. I'll provide a cover pic and a piece of a parts sheet. We should be sure that the parts image presented is not the full page and is cut down to a size that would render it unuseable. We don't want the copywrite cops knocking on the door nor so I want to have any more of those cruddy discussions on the site.

If i'ts a full review, fill us in with as much as you care to. The more the merrier is what I say. If the model bombs out, during construction and you're sure it's a design flaw, let us know and even show us a pic of the mistake. If it's something simple, maybe any one of us can help repair it.
Construction pics, finished pics , overall impressions, recommendations etc are all things that can be tossed in.
CSS Hunley, full kit review

1. Model Subject : CSS Hunley
2. Scale: 1/25
3. Publisher and model number: Renova, #003
4. Designer: S. Bielik
5. Distributor: usual outlets
6. This is a preprinted product.


The model is well worth the price. With just a modicum of care in construction, you will get a very accurate model based on the latest archaeological evidence, right down to the placement of the viewports on the fore and aft hatch towers.

The kit parts are precisely rendered and the resulting parts fit is superb to almost perfect. You can build two versions of the Hunley: pre-recovery hull form and post-recovery hull form.

The most difficult aspect of the model is building the fiddly parts of the propeller and rolling the all too numerous tubes and shafts. I recommend taking the easy route and substituting aluminum/brass tube.

My last comment concerns the representation of the rivets. Hunley was flush riveted, which means they were barely discernible on the real thing. Renova chose to represent the rivets with a light grey dot which shows reasonably well in a photo but shows up like gangbusters in person. It's not quite realistic. How they might have done this otherwise, I really cannot say. I guess they did as well in representing the rivets as technology would allow.

For building tips and techniques, check out my build thread: http://forum.zealot.com/t158996/
Actually, when you mention "check my thread", could you provide a link with it for easy navigation?
Why didn't I think of that? Oh, I know why; I am a linear thinker and since it wasn't in the instructions, I didn't do it. LOL

For those of us who are braincase limited, you should probably modify your instruction set to mention the obvious!

And, I'm a teacher; can you believe it?

Someone said you have to be able to laugh at yourself. I split my sides with alarming frequency.

I did modify my post. Once I complete everything, I'll go back and add a beauty shot.
Nice!! Thanks for the link! Also, just a sideword, you can post reviews in a separate thread, that way more people would be looking at it than say, posting it in a reply. --That's what the "Reviews" section of the board is for! :D