Firefly - Serenity

Great Job Sky!!!... Great TUT, and build thread! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Gandolf!:):Drinks:

I guess after this it's time to get back to the Vorchan. Maybe I'll get over the "designer's block" and actually finish it.:)

Sky Seeker
For those who are interested...


This might be old news, but interesting nonetheless.

Other ideas

Medical shuttle



Inara's Shuttle - both large size and miniature for the Serenity


Star Citizen Firefly / Sandfly

Jubal Early's ship

Any others?

Sky Seeker
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Hello all,

Haven't posted on this thread in some time. Someone recently asked for the link where I got the model.

It was done by Jorge A. Garcia or Chihuahua de Papel.

The pics for the original assembly of the model can be found here:

This was archived pre-purge or when Zealot changed vendors.

The directions are mostly in Spanish. Also, the folding wings for the shuttles were a modification of the existing plans.








Hmmm... looking at the pics I never did greeble on those antennas. Maybe some other time..

Hope this helps!

Sky Seeker
Great link to the archive of the build thread. You did a great job on yours. :)
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Great link to the archive of the build thread. You did a great job on yours. :)

Thanks Z. If I only had that chrome finish paper it could have been even more interesting (sigh).

There's a story regarding the shuttles. When the person that I made it for received the firefly they accidentally threw out the shuttles! So this is the only surviving record of these shuttles. I remade another set of shuttles with magnets and movable wings, but I don't think that they were quite like the originals. They were a little more wider in the front for some reason. Not sure why.

Take care.

Sky Seeker
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Thanks Z. If I only had that chrome finish paper it could have been even more interesting (sigh).

There's a story regarding the shuttles. When the person that I made it for received the firefly they accidentally threw out the shuttles! So this is the only surviving record of these shuttles. I remade another set of shuttles with magnets and movable wings, but I don't think that they were quite like the originals. They were a little more wider in the front for some reason. Not sure why.

Take care.

Sky Seeker

Weird, why would someone through part of a model out?
Weird, why would someone through part of a model out?

I think that it was due to how I packed it. The shuttles were only attached magnetically so they probably fell out into the newspaper packing. Since the color of the shuttles is roughly the color of the newspaper and the newspaper was thrown out. I think that is what happened. Don't know for sure. Stranger things have been known to happen.
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