Firefly - Serenity

Looking fantastic!

Thanks Cybergrinder. BTW just wondering is it fall approaching winter down there? Up in the the Northern Hemisphere it's almost summer about mid 80's F.

Just wondering. Thanks for your support!

Sky Seeker
@skyseeker, we're at the end of autumn, things starting to cool down quite a bit! Joburg generally has a minimum temp of 1-5'C overnight, mid teens for midday.

Sounds like a winter heatwave! We generally use fahrenheit where we're at. Celsius just doesn't compute up here.;) Still have to translate that in my mind.:hammerhead: Of course I guess that's why we lost a space shuttle due to the whole metric vs english thing.:eggonface::facepalm:

Sky Seeker
More pics - main engine


Note the nozzle templates to the right. They fold in half, glue, then roll, and connect the ends.

Rear nozzle assemble. The lower grey part that forms a "dish or cup" can get interesting, but in the end all you have to do is pinch in, glue the tabs, and hold in place until dried.

Engine. Note the lower portion. The lower portion has an extra amount of glue to stabilize the engine otherwise it gets too flimsy and there are also openings formed in the side..

After the glue has dried. No openings and it is SOLID!

Engine and rear nozzle assembly - side view.

Engine and rear nozzle assembly - top view.

Lower cone section. This portion eventually is joined to the rear of the main cargo bay.

As you can see I have deviated from the instructions. I just find that it is easier to join the rings together first then assembled the next piece. Usually, a portion of the lower disc is glued first then allowed to dry then another section and so forth until everything is connected together. Note also that a ring has been added below the engine.

Inside of the engine.

Sorry about the contrast on the engine portion. This view shows the bottom of the cone section.

That's it for now.

Sky Seeker
More pics - engine continued.

Center ring - engine

Center ring mounted to lower cone.

Inside view - Center ring mounted to lower cone.

Another center ring has been added and WHOOPS:frak: - the design of the ring is too big!:hammerhead::hammerhead::headbange: What do we do now!?!:headbange::robot3:


Actually, this wasn't too bad to overcome. You overlap until everything matches, then just cut out the excess, and glue.
Can you see where the work was done?

Cone, center sections, and engine joined together.

Nozzles joined to the engine. It's NOT as easy as it initially looks. Recommend that you glue the upper and lower sections of the nozzle assembly to the engine FIRST then let the glue set. Then squeeze the engine down so that the sides bulge outwards just a little bit until you can fit the nozzle assembly. Then glue to lock everything together. Then add more glue to fill in the gaps that are formed.

After adding additional glue you can mark the area with a black marker. Look closely at the nozzle assembly to the right.

This is a section that goes on top of the engine to form a dorsal control assembly - templates folded before glueing.

Pieces are joined together. The one on the right forms a triangular wedge.

Side view - dorsal assembly.

Rear view - dorsal assembly.

That's it for now.

Sky Seeker
Just thought I'd share this.

The past couple of weeks we've had few power outages due to some bad storms and bubba forgetting to properly reconnecting everything. Anyway one of the days (about a couple of months ago) we lost power for about 27 hours. My fish tank (yes that's what that white blob is) contains tropical fish and the outside temperature was less than ideal. What was done was I noticed that I could contain the heat of a couple of sterno cans by adding cardstock at certain sections at the top of the tank at just the ends. Well after a certain point I added some candles and additional cardstock. After a certain point I got this monstrosity. Quite frankly I'm lucky I didn't burn down the house. I did stay up most of the night to make sure that nothing got set on fire. The picture you see below was taken 10 minutes after the power came on. I had just finished adding on the last sections about 30 minutes prior to that (figures).

I guess you never know when some of your cardstock skills will come in handy.

Sky Seeker
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Our fish died. I couldn't get my generator running for 22 hours, and that just was too much for these fish. No Oxygen. 4 empty fish tanks. 75 Gallon, 55 Gallon 20 Gallon, and a little 2 Gallon.
Some people should never use tabs. You have shown the proper way, and have developed a technique worthy of a tutorial. ;)
Our fish died. I couldn't get my generator running for 22 hours, and that just was too much for these fish. No Oxygen. 4 empty fish tanks. 75 Gallon, 55 Gallon 20 Gallon, and a little 2 Gallon.

Z - I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your fish.:sadno: Were they saltwater or freshwater or a mix? Something that can be done to augment oxygen production is taking a small bucket of water from the tank and dumping it back in. The air entrained from dumping it in helps a little bit and can be done in two hour increments roughly ten dumps per cycle depending on the size of your bucket as well.:pompus: The smaller one probably was your hospital tank and probably was the first to go. :drowning: The tank shown above is a 55 gallon. In my case the problem was not oxygen, but heat. Although if it kept on going I'm sure I would have lost some of my angel koi. I did lose some shrimp. However, the Angel Koi discovered them and thought they were a tasty treat. One of those "thanks to the stupid human" moments.

Sky Seeker
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Some people should never use tabs. You have shown the proper way, and have developed a technique worthy of a tutorial. ;)

Z - thanks for your encouragement! :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:

Tabs get tricky and should be colored BEFORE assembling. That's the one thing I haven't mentioned as I'm doing this is that all edges should be colored BEFORE assembling. Tabs on cones & rings are tricky and part of me goes "oh no not this AGAIN". I suck it up and move forward. It is important to glue in piecemeal increments as you move around a periphery. Slow and steady. If you rush, it falls to pieces.

Sky Seeker
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More pics - Engine "cradle"


First ring added to the lower support.

Side view.

Front view both rings added. Note the bottom and how one leg is starting to be offset from the other one. Recommend at this point to try to clamp the legs in an aligned position at this point (if possible - you'll see why later).

Side view - both rings added.

Addition of the top piece. The top piece should be aligned with the dot in the center at the apex of either the front or back ring. The top piece was glued from the top down. This created problems later on. :robot3: Recommend that you glue either from the left of the center or right of the center of the two panels at the top.

Gradually work your way down on one side or the other as seen below. This is actually tougher than it looks. Try to have an elongated tool ready to maintain the glue tabs in contact with the top piece.

One side complete.

Both sides done. Note how the bottom is offset.:hammerhead::robot3::fireguy: In hind sight the legs should be clamped in an aligned position.:hammerhead:

Note how the bottom legs are offset.:headbange:

Attachment strip. Try to train the paper in a curved shape.

Strip applied to the top of the right leg to define curvature. Also this was done because it was easier to do this from the top versus the bottom.

That's it for now.

Sky Seeker
More pics - Engine "cradle"

Note the gap and alignment issue at the bottom of the right side strip. For some reason this creates a mis-alignment later on.

Both top strips attached. Be sure to follow the curvature of the paper strip.

Side view. Note misalignment of the legs.:headbange::violin:

Back view. Note misalignment of the legs.:realmad::exterminate::frak:

Bottom view. This is before the assembly of the bottom strips. Note the stress concentration at the bottom of the ring area at the center.

Application of the bottom strip left side. Start from the back and GRADUALLY work your way forward.

Left side done. Note the front is left open at this time.

That's it for now.

Sky Seeker
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More pics - engine cradle

Tip of cradle arms (right side). To seal the ends fold down the top and bottom. Next cut and shape the ends to fit. Then glue the sides over the folded top and bottom sections.

Bottom view - Both bottom strips added. When installing either strip start from the back and work forwards gradually holding and gluing each side simultaneously (if possible).

Bottom view - at the lower left you see the templates for the electromagnetic converters that go on the back of the engine.

Cradle Struts one pre-assembled and one assembled.

Stuts fully assembled.

Struts glued to the cradle. This was EXTREMELY hard due to the aforementioned offset of the legs. First you glue one side then you glue the other. The back struts were done first then the front strut is added.

Othogonal view from the left side. Note the top of the cradle. As the legs were aligned the top got stressed and started to buckle.:headbange::eggonface: However, as usual all is not lost and will be addressed at a later point.

Top view cradle - note folded section at the left.

That's it for now.

Sky Seeker


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More pics - engine additions

Rear of engine. Note the addition of the dorsal section.


Side view.

End view added note the addition of the electromagnetic converters. The template only has 7 of these. Recommend 8. A reprint was necessary for this section.

Engine added to the cradle - pre-fit test. Also see below the template made for adding the "glow" to the engine - non stock.

End view of the engine. Note the addition of the eighth electromagnetic converter.

In the process of making the templates I noticed that instead of cutting out each individual piece and adding that I overlayed the template on one of the traced templates see the upper right. Then having an epiphany a decision was made to cut out the templates as shown below. First you start with the initial engine piece as shown to the far left. Next you cut out the individual squares. Then you mark the edges with a black marker (reduces glare) or you can instead use a pencil. Next you glue the template on yellow paper or other type of paper you want for the "glow" effect. At one point I was thinking of using a golden glitter pen - See upper right. I didn't like the effect at the time so opted for the plain yellow paper. Cut the paper along the edges of the template. Train and shape the cut template to have a curvature that matches the engine. Finally, glue the template to the engine.


Final installation of the engine to the cradle. Notice the overgluing only on the electromagnetic converters that touch the cradle.

Templates added to the engine. Left view.

Templates added to the engine. Top view.

Templates added to the engine. Right view.

That's it for now.

Sky Seeker


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Awesome!! I really liked that show and the movie that wrapped it all up. Seeing this ship comes together reminds me of many episodes. Excellent build!! :)
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