Fireball XL5

Thanks for the kind words. I neglected to mention the size of this model. The rocket is around 12.5" long and the base is 15" long. This makes it a small, manageable model that can easily fit on a bookshelf. Also, since the model is strongly built and the finish is strong, she can easily be cleaned of dust.
That's good, because after a few hours of playing with it, you'll want to wipe if down some!! :)
@dindeni : Hello! Please introduce yourself here:

Dindeni is awaiting approval as a member as he is not responding properly to my requests. Thanks!! Zathros :)

Dindeni is gone! He felt apparently that asking to Introduce himself was too much, I guess, he would not respond to my multiple P.M.'s, and if a member does not respond to my P.M.'s, they get booted. Not because I am someone special, but I only contact people if it is something important, really important. No response is non compliance. This forum deserves better than people who think they are better than the rest of us, and are above the rules, no matter how nice they may seem.