Feb and March Gauge Layout Party

N Gauger

1:20.3 Train Addict
Dec 20, 2000
South Eastern, PA
Well, here we go!! :D :D

I'd like to welcome all the participants (and those to hop on this ride later) goldtoth1 to the Gauge Layout Party running from February 1 to March 19, 2006

Here are the links to the last 2 :)

Gauge Layout Party 4

Gauge Layout Party 5

Remember - We like Pics :) :) Also - Anyone who is not on the list - - please decide what you are going to do :) Anyone who has not joined yet - can jump on anytime :) :) :)

This is an informal party - just try to get something done on your layout. it's a motivational thing, help each other... ask questions,.... answer questions... :D

Have Fun!!!!!!!

If you can, in between building or creatuing, please take a few pics and post them either here or start another thread in the photog forum and I'll link to it from here :)

Click On Any "Linked" name

What we're trying to accomplish in six short weeks: :D

N Gauger - Tuning up track and maybe detailing a structure or 2
Trainclown -
ezdays - Finishing town - Detailing Main Street
nachoman - trackwork & Scenery
TomPM - Adding Track to Layout
pitchwife -
Ausian - install models from Robin, into the Feather River
Ray Marinaccio - a few locomotive projects completed and might do some scenery also.
Zedob - add building flats and scenic part of my layout
Papa Bear - getting the benchwork done - and getting something running :)
seanm -
ross31r -
Catt - Conversion Module
Ralph - Scenery & A platform for a station
Drew1125 - small HO scale sawmill
Chessie6459 - Park Scene
rksstl - painting loco & Laying track
Wabash Banks - finishing Micro Layout
Jac's Lines - Structures and/or Scenery
Gary S. - Helix & Benchwork
Railron - Finish tracklaying and wiring of the standard gauge part of layout
Freelancer - roundhouse and turntable, and work on some structures for my module.
Will_Annand - finishing his Downtown Orangeville diorama
MilesWestern - start on my Orange Grove, maybe even finish it!
2-8-2 - Weathering cars & Building becchwork
ezdays said:
Just one question, where do you want us to park the threads of our progress? Got lots of choices, but it would be nice if they were all in the same place.:D
Place them in Photog - just let us know here or PM me & I'll link to your thread by your name - Like I did Gary S. :) :) The "Computer" will find it :D :D
OOps - hit "send " instead of preview :(

If you bookmark this thread - or just the post above - you will be able to return to the first post & link on all names that have submitted threads :) just like we did for thr kitbash challenge.. that worked great so I'm doing it again :D goldtoth1 :D
Ray Marinaccio said:
So we're all having private parties?
Doesn't seem the same. :(

Well then, everyone is invited to my house to help me with my layout! I need someone to paint the backdrop, someone to cut the rest of the cross bracing for under the benchwork, someone to sculpt the terrain, someone to show me the ins and outs of laying track, making ponds and bayous, ballasting, on and on and on.

I'll barbeque some burgers if yall come on down...
Ok if I win the Power Ball lottery this week I'll get us a big warehouse next to the tracks so we can build the biggest layout we can imagine (and railfan too) and your all invited. goldtoth1 But don't hold your breath the only thing I've ever won was a plastic cooler when I was 12 in little league sign1
Ray Marinaccio said:
So we're all having private parties?
Doesn't seem the same. :(
Not really private - We're all in this thread too :) I'm just linking to all the threads from the first post above :)
the advantage is - each thread has only one person's progress in it - We're trying to see if it helps the continuity.. :)

Also - If you go to each thread and subscribe to them - you will get e-mail updates whenever someone posts - so you dont have to visit every thread every day :)
I thought this would be a good idea - - setting this party up a bit differently than the past ones.. But i think i only got it half right - I'm going to move all the individual threads into photog and leave this one here for a few days then move it too... :) :)

thanks for the suggestions Ray & Don :) :)
Count me in!

February should be a big month for me. Last night, I got my hands dirty with my first attempt at weathering...the Nickel Plate Road caboose #727 now looks like it's seen plenty of action. I plan to start weathering my entire rolling stock roster (all 8 of them :eek:ops:) and get my "benchwork" done.
N Gauger said:
Not really private - We're all in this thread too :) I'm just linking to all the threads from the first post above :)
the advantage is - each thread has only one person's progress in it - We're trying to see if it helps the continuity.. :)

Also - If you go to each thread and subscribe to them - you will get e-mail updates whenever someone posts - so you dont have to visit every thread every day :)
OK, :) Party on Dude. :D