Executive Long Range Shuttle (TOS non-canon)


Sep 12, 2004
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
image.jpg Working on an idea for an executive shuttle in the ST:TOS era. All I have now is an iPad sketch I made at lunch. It draws somewhat on the old Matt Jeffries original shuttle design before AMT models company altered the design with the studio to get the boxie design we know and love. I should work on more defined and technical drawings in the next few days.

It looks like a really good design.
It looks like it would also make for a good model as well.

I am looking forward to seeing how this will turn out.

Good luck with it!
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If you do this as kind of "bridge" vessel between TOS and TMP you could use some of the TMP typefaces for markings to show the transition. Maybe keep the hull white and add some very minor aztecing to reflect a little more of the movie look.
Thanks for all the comments! My plan is to keep it closer to the TOS era with only a hint of the TMP era. In keeping with that, simpler lines, few compound curves. Here was a quick and dirty ipad sketch I did on the subway trip to work today. Perhaps start on more technical drawing next week. Oh, how I wish the iPad had Google Sketchup. I did do one model design last year 95% on the iPad but still needed Sketchup for the model unfolding. Perhaps I will also do this on 95% on the iPad for the challenge. Perhaps not. Gonna let my muse lead me without too much planning. Not gonna make the mistake of the past and let too much planning overcome the fun of making.
Second level of detailing. Warp nacelles with oversize intercoolers and mixer to show smaller scale. I reduced the impulse exhaust, which is still oversized to suggest speed over crew complement ratio. Four phasers and a flush deflector. Side hatch similar to the original Enterprise 1701 shuttles. Lower pallet added for equipment, sensor, life support, and fuel mass. Unlike the original shuttle, this side hatch lower third of the door is not a ramp but rather a step up as there is not crew habituation in the lower pallet. Added a rear landing skid similar to the original shuttle to offset the weight of engines. The bottom of the pallet will be the main landing pad as it was in the NX-01 shuttle pods. Weathering and "rubberized" rails will suggest such in final art.
You have really peaked my interest now.
This real looks good and very plausible in the Star Trek Universe.
I really like how this is taking shape.

I have a question. Are you going to have an interior for it, or will there just be internal formers to to keep it rigid?
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No plans for an interior. I was even wondering about not having a window (al'a the Vulcan Shuttle from TMP). So most likely just internal formers.
I am also debating how much surface detail to give it. I want to keep it closer to the TOS style, but I think some detail is needed. Still thinking about it.
Did some engineering section detailing tonight. The colors will be more subdued on the final model. Will print out as a flat piece of art with the optional parts to built up as raised panels if the builder wishes. This will also be the only part with fine detail, keeping the rest of the model more subtle in details with lower contrast panels and chotskies.
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