Enclave Power Armor build (Fallout) [FINISHED]

Much progress on Atom's Judgement, the weapon for the power armor .

Oh and it being LEAKING Fusion cores, I have added some phosphorescent green paint in generous quantities to simulate the radioactive gunk.

Here are some pics without flash, and in half light to see how cool actually it looks.
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Atom's Judgement is complete ... and looks waaay better than I imagined. I am very pleased with myself right now :p

Needed a jet booster, fuel valve, fuel line node, some braces for the jet, a small part which I'm guessing is either backup fuel tank for the jet when the main one in the handle is switched, or the part that controls the boost automatically.
EPA_WIP_1501.jpg EPA_WIP_1503.jpg EPA_WIP_1504.jpg
EPA_WIP_1505.jpg EPA_WIP_1502.jpg

After all was done came the final assembly, and some gray paint on the wire parts to look more weathered instead of the glossy back they had been.
EPA_WIP_1506.jpg EPA_WIP_1508.jpg EPA_WIP_1507.jpg

And finally gluing the whole thing into the hand of the Power Armor.
EPA_WIP_1510.jpg EPA_WIP_1509.jpg ... looks so cool this way :cool:

And still not done yet, since I've embedded small magnets all over the armor. I'm starting on the Tesla nodes to convert this into the Tesla variant. (In the game it granted increased protection from energy weapons.)
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You leave nothing to the imagination, you put it all there. Excellent! :)
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Aaaand .... it is finished! :cigar:

Here are some more nice pictures:
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And It's final place in the display case.

Now some well deserved rest :walkingdead: ... then start on the Midwestern Power Armor ... Also a Vault dweller would be nice with an Armored vault suit ... and a Deathclaw ... and a pack Brahmin ... :drowning:
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