**** Editing my posts ****


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2007
New Jersey
Question :
Why has my ability to edit my photos and text been taken from me. I have not been notified of this change.
frank toptrain1
No idea, I'll check it out. We did have some abuse done by a former admin and have been busy putting things to rights.
No it is not. I thought we had this straightened out! If you'll PM me the missing content I'll restore it.
Before Zealot became part of Crowdgather, there were a couple of times where things "fell through the cracks". I think there may still be some "land mines" in the forum software, that are the result of its creator not asking "what if" enough times. Peter found some of them. . . . . the hard way.
The folks at Crowdgather seem to have the knowledge, and expertise to fix these problems, they just need time to identify the causes. Symptoms are easy to fix, the underlying defects that cause the symptoms can also be easy to fix...they're just a bit harder to find. . . . . well, yes, they can be "stepped on" easily enough :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I was going to edit my last post, just to check the feature, and I can't find the "edit". For whatever reason, the "edit button" seems to be gone for the moment, and I'll assume it's gone so it can be fixed.
vBulletin is weird software, if the admin changes something in one part of the code manually, other bits are shifted around, but i think the option to let users edit their own posts is simply a checkbox in the Admin CP. This is my experience with phpBB talking though.
I have put the problem before our tech staff. I will send an email to the site owner as well.
It seems to just be disbled in this particular board of the forum, i edited a post in the Logging and Mining sections just a bit ago, and the option is still there in the HO scale forum.

edit: (lol) it works! :thumb:
I'm moving some stuff around trying to get the site more integrated. What can't you find?
It seems to just be disbled in this particular board of the forum, i edited a post in the Logging and Mining sections just a bit ago, and the option is still there in the HO scale forum.

edit: (lol) it works! :thumb:

The option is still not their in HO scale model trains. their is no just HO scale unless it's for tuucks or something.