Easy and very nice papercrafts from Germany


Staff member
Aug 1, 2009
While I was looking for some easy-to-build and nice looking papercrafts for Easter I found this site:


The maker Boris Voigt displays his own creations and offers them for free download. Since 2006 he has produced over 400 (!) kits. There are many beautiful items such as stars, lamps, vehicles, buildings and and and. The models are suitable for beginners and look like much fun for the whole family. Most of the kits can be made of ordinary 80 gsm paper. He even has begun translating his site and kits to different languages (the process has not finished yet, so google translator may be your weapon of choice ;) ). Just take a look at the gallery ("Bildergalerie") to see the wide variety of his work.

Have fun and enjoy! :)
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Reactions: Rhaven Blaack
Made it a "Sticky", that is a really cute and functional collection. I am surprised Ikea does not sell it!.
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Thank you! It would be a shame if that site would be forgotten. :)