Eaglemoss Star Trek official starships collection FREE digital downloads!


Staff member
Aug 1, 2009
Howdeee Star Trek fans!

As many of you have already found out: Eaglemoss, one of the longest running model series and partwork producers in the world, has filed for bankruptcy. All business activities have stopped until it is more clear what will happen to the remaining stock. Not all of their models are homeruns but some of them are real gems. One of their most popular and obviously most successful series was the "Star Trek official starships collection". Eaglemoss treated the franchise in an unprecedented way. No matter how obscure the ship was, you could bet on it that Eaglemoss made a model of it. The series expanded like no other and the total ship count of all Star Trek related models (including the newer shows like "Discovery") exceeded the 200 mark. I cannot think of ANY model company continously releasing so many ships from one and the same franchise, so the company earned itself a place in the history books of model making.


Now then. Each model was accompanied by a printed magazine. It featured articles on the original filming miniature or CG model used in the show, snippets of the making of particular scenes, pre-production artwork and short interviews with the makers. The level of information provided by the mags varied but what made them stand out were the layout and their graphic design. They featured sharp CG renderings of the ships in question in straight-on views which can be used as invaluable source for papercrafting. What's most impressive is that EM decided to upload digital versions of those mags to their US website.

Now with the company gone (I hope this is only temporary because I'm still waiting for a good opportunity to get their adorable Muffit figure ;) ) the website seized to exist and the mags were about to vanish forever - if it wasn't for the Wayback machine to archive 180 issues which still can be obtained FOR FREE.

You never know how long those resources will be available, so if you are a Star Trek fan and even a Star Trek paper model creator like @spaceagent-9 or @D-WHALE , I strongly recommend to grab them HERE as quickly as possible.

Have fun and enjoy! :)
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In total there are 240 PDFs (= 5.69 GB).
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This is a common issue with the internet archive. Do not download too many files at once, not more than three should work, and use a download manager which picks up the process if it was interrupted. :)
It doesn't seem so. I was looking for the BSG booklets but they are not available either.

After some few hours of downloading i got now all files!
Unfortunately not all magazines got all ortho views to make a model. And i still angry about the fact, that they used not the right model of the Klingon Neghvar!!!
Anyway! Thanks for sharing to RF. :wave: (I did not know, that there is a download page for the magazines)

BTW; here ist another site with more views from Star Trek Ships, which made Robert Bochune, a SciFi-Artist from TNG, DS9, VOY and ENT:
If you click on each picture you can get it in a higher resolution and at the Star Trek Ships are often more pictures and some Ortho views. As an Example here the page behind the Orion Interceptor:
I had difficulties after I reached issue 150. When I try accessing 154-163 I get the message above, indicating its not saved, but then issues 164-166 all worked just find., At 167-180 they all stop again.

Did anyone get this far? Same problems?

Thanks again for sharing the pages, Revel-Fan, as several; of these issues are gold!

I have been wanting the Jenolin pics for some time.
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No need to panic. Some of the files are fluctuating. One moment they are available, another they aren't, but they come back again. I guess it is an issue with the site. If you are having trouble like that I'd suggest to wait a few minutes and give it another try then. ;)
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After some few hours of downloading i got now all files!
Unfortunately not all magazines got all ortho views to make a model. And i still angry about the fact, that they used not the right model of the Klingon Neghvar!!!
Anyway! Thanks for sharing to RF. :wave: (I did not know, that there is a download page for the magazines)

BTW; here ist another site with more views from Star Trek Ships, which made Robert Bochune, a SciFi-Artist from TNG, DS9, VOY and ENT:
If you click on each picture you can get it in a higher resolution and at the Star Trek Ships are often more pictures and some Ortho views. As an Example here the page behind the Orion Interceptor:

This Interceptor images are wicked!