Double Diamond Ranch

Thanks for the encouragement folks. Cardboard is really easy to work with. If you haven't tried it yet please do.
The bunkhouse/stable is coming close to completion.


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Fantastic Robin!!!!!! I love watching these buildings take shape! You say cardboard is easy to work with which leads me to ask a question. When you make those thin strips, how do you avoid having them curl as you're cutting? What's your secret, hmmm?

Thanks folks
Val cardboard tends to have a grain in that it bends easier one way than the other so cut strips the way the cardboard doesn't bend easily. Next make a light cut first then cut two or three times instead of trying to cut through with one cut. That should stop the curl.
Another awesome piece of craftsmanship, Robin!
Your work continues to be more refined...each project reaches beyond the one before!
Very, very impressive!
:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
A very good project you have going here. I really have enjoyed it and may take the dive and try some cardboard building myself. One note though, "I sure wouldn't want to sleep in that bunk house over the stables." The smell would sort of kill a good nights sleep IMHO. :D :D :D But then the PBL's can't smell a thing anyway so it doesn't really matter. :D

Phew!!! :eek: Robin, I hope you don't model the smell, too! :D :D :D

Robin, when you announced you'd build a ranch, I expected something very different. At least for us here in Europe 'The Ranch' is something built out of wooden logs, it's small and all on one floor - in short, we have the picture of the typical Western movie ranch firmly implanted. But on second thought it seems logical that there must be much bigger ranches. Did you follow a typical Canadian prototype?

Your handiwork surprises me one more time, Robin. Like Val I admire your ability to cut such long, straight cardboard strips. I also have that curl-up problem - seems that I am not patient enough and took too heavy cuts. Thank you for one more valuable hint!

And I am very curious, how the whole ranch will look when it is finished!

I am trying to make a wind driven water pump like the ones dotting the farm country.
I started with a jig to make the four sides of the tower.


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    25.2 KB · Views: 212
Hoo boy - here we go again!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe you're actually going to scratchbuild an old-fashioned windmill. Bet it's going to be fantastic Robin!

Thanks for the tip on cutting curl-free cardboard.

Robin that's all looking really great! A couple of questions:
1- When the windmill is put in use won't the water dissolve the cardboard??? :p :D
2- A ranch that big will need at least several hundred head of cattle to look right and that can cost a fortune for those little plastic ones, are you going to build the herd out of cardboard also????????? :p :D
3- Are you planning on a saloon and "house of ill repute" in town so the cowpokes will have a place to spend their hard earned paycheck??????? :p :D