DIY Airbrush cleaning pot


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2016
My wife is quite an artist. She started painting with oils years ago and a few years ago switched to acrylics. I have acrylics for my model making so the airbrush seemed to be the next toy to buy. I found a nice one with the little box compressor on Amazon. It is VERY nicely made. I haven’t painted with it yet, but I’m impressed with the quality of the kit.
So, after watching tons of videos, I decided I needed a cleaning pot. Today’s project was to build that pot.

I used a lemonade canister, the top of a coffee creamer bottle with lid and an electrical gland (extra from my solar power project), a piece of coat hanger, a bit of plastic sheet and some cardboard. . The parts went together well.





The nose of the airbrush fits perfectly into the rubber grommet in the gland. Everything is put together with hot glue. I even included a diverter inside to direct the spray from the airbrush toward the bottom of the pot. Filter material will go in the clear part of the creamer bottle. The lid closes when not in use.
That's a great idea. I used to spray into a jar to clean the gun and would dispose the jar and liquids inside at the next special waste drop-off.
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