Dimorphodon by Strick67, Take two...

That is really coming together beautifully!!!
Thank you sir.

One hole opened up where the neck joins the chest, so I'll print a page again, and cover the gap. also the trailing edges of the wings may need to be trimmed.
20211107_122548.jpg 20211107_122555.jpg

I'll try to get these fixed and will move on with the build.
small update today, I got the last of the pieces creased on the fold lines, and most of them cut out before my hands stopped working right... I'll try to get the rest cut out, and start preforming later today.

nice job micah.
Thanks @mijob

For todays up date, I may finish today... Yipiee
I got the body joined, and tried to paint in any white areas...
Actually, I got this done last night.

and this morning, I got the arms, legs, and feet assembled, and next will be attaching to the body, and painting.

Brake time to babysit... and make lunch... Any veterans viewing this today 11Nov2021, enjoy your day of recognition...