Dimension Diver - Aphrodite A - Color Resin Recast - quick look # 90


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2010

This Dimension Diver - Aphrodite A recast is almost perfect, bubble free. I sad almost "perfect" is because the yellow resin was mixed in with some dust and showing up in several parts. Small as the imperfections are they are easily seen. The only way to hide them is to paint over them. But, being a lazy painter that I am, I just left them as is. I also left out the tail because 1, the tail was designed to attach to an unusually higher location than where the tail should be, I really don't like that looks. 2, the tail is not poseable, so if and when the model fall over the tail will break for sure and I really not looking forward to reattaching the tail over and over and over. So it was an easy decision to forgo the tail, and the model looks great without the tail anyway. I enlarge where the tail attachment point to accept Stage Act.4 displace base so I don't have to patch up the hole. Other than that, this is a really nice sexy model to add to the Mazinger z collections. Loving it.

Thank you very much for watching!
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She's older, they're growing with vectored perfection. Allen, you could make the tail out of something else that bends, I know if anyone could, you could find something. Looks god as it is though.
Plastic surgery techniques nowadays growing by leaps and bounds, Firuer.

I really don't like the tail.