Detailed Thunder Fighter Project

:snaphappy: This is a photo finish! :snaphappy:


Congratulations on a GREAT JOB! :)

The blue version looks VERY COOL! :cool:
Thank you for all of the "LIKES" and kind word!
Going with the "BLUE" version was to just add a bit of variety to my collection. Not only that, but it also sets itself apart from the other Thunder Fighters (very much like how the HBB-TF has (virtually) no markings at all). It adds to the uniqueness of the version as a whole. If you notice, each version that is available, has a unique paint scheme that set it apart that much more from the rest. Yes, I do plan on making each version for my collection.

Once these new cockpit interiors are released, I am expecting to see some of you out there build and post photos (of at least one) of the Thunder Fighter (of your choice).
Wow - I like them all. Very impressive collection. I think those who received the 9 fighters were very happy.

Beside the classic colours I like the BSG painting the most.

I think I would make a model as a combination with the wings of the new version and the noses of the old version without the side parts. Thx for the photo.
I think I would make a model as a combination with the wings of the new version and the noses of the old version without the side parts.
Could you be a bit more specific, please? What do you mean with new and old version?
Hi RF,
old version: second row first fighter - wings backwards and guns without side parts
new version: first row first fighter - wings forward looking and guns with side parts

For my version I thougt about wings forward looking and guns without side parts (and galactica painting).
Ah, I see! So you are aiming at a traditional TF with Mk. III forward swept wings without canards in BSG colours. Great idea! I'm looking forward to seeing it. You may use all the parts of the add-on packages to make your own customized plane. All parts fit together. So, with that said:

Happy kitbashing! :)
That is the GREAT thing about ALL of the add-on kits for the Thunder Fighters, is that they are ALL INTERCHANGEABLE.
So by all means, please kitbash. I would really like to see what you come up with.

This goes for anyone who is thinking of doing a kitbash of their own.
Oh yes, I will try to do it sometime.
Good to know that all parts of each model can be used to create an own one.
Awsome work of the developers - RF and RB if I am right.

Thank you for the kind words!!!
That was the main purpose of designing these kits, is so that the final builder can go ahead, have fun and let his/her imagination run wild and create what ever type of Thunder Fighter they so chose (or can think up).
Revell-Fan does most of the designing, revisions, and clean-up and I do the beta test building.
Looking great! I'm still plugging away at mine, but time has been an issue for me lately. I'd really like to see a Thunderfighter done up in Starfleet colors - I've given it some thought, and may try my hand at it some day.

A Thunder Fighter in Starfleet colours?!?!?!
That would quite interesting to see!!!
If you lived within driving distance, I would come over with a lawn mower, or backpack leaf blower, or Weed whacker to try and trade you for that. I'm not kidding either. that is one beautiful bird. I really love this one. :)
If you lived within driving distance, I would come over with a lawn mower, or backpack leaf blower, or Weed whacker to try and trade you for that. I'm not kidding either. that is one beautiful bird. I really love this one. :)

I would just give you one (no trading needed).:D
Just the fact that one of my projects went to someone who would TRULY appreciate it, is good enough for me.:D
Well, you know me well enough to know how much I like these. I wonder if anyone else knows how many of these you have given to people? I'd probably give a router just to get rid of it. I have three of them and haven't used one in 3 years! :)
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Well, you know me well enough to know how much I like these. I wonder if anyone else knows how many of these you have given to people? I'd probably give a router just to get rid of it. I have three of them and haven't used one in 3 years! :)

I have given away MANY of them (I have even lost count). They make for GREAT gifts as well!!!
Every time a new version of a component is created (i.e. like the cockpit interior), I will (usually) give away my older models so that I have room for the new ones. With that being said, there are a couple that I will not give away (no matter what).
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1:50 scale "Happy Birthday Buck" Thunder Fighter

I have decided to start a new project. I am going to build the "Happy Birthday Buck" Thunder Fighter in 1:50 scale.
If I am successfully at this, I will be expanding on the diorama that I have already built.
The Thunder Fighter will be a "Skunk Works" project for the Colonial Fleet. This would have been a project that Chief Tyrol would be working on (and possibly even head of) before being assigned to the Galactica.

At first, when I was thinking of this idea, I thought that it would be no big deal (I have worked with small models before). Once i printed everything out and looked through the parts sheets, the whole reality of this project took hold in my mind and I realised what I had in front of me. My first thoust after this was "WHAT THE FRAK DID I GET MYSELF INTO"?
Then once I got started on building the cockpit interior, I got into the build and everything started to just (seem) to fall into place (naturally).

Here are the photos for your viewing pleasure.
I have started with the tub.
IMAG4783.jpg IMAG4784.jpg IMAG4785.jpg IMAG4786.jpg IMAG4787.jpg IMAG4788.jpg