Derelict (Alien)

OK, between you and me ( ;) ): Take a look at how I overcome the picture size limitation in SU and Pep:

I know that there will be some distorted areas in the Viper texture and I am thinking of another trick: Just make a copy of the model and unfold it with the SU unfold tool. Then you can select the distorted faces of the flattened pattern and apply a new texture map only to them using the projection trick. In theory the distortions should be corrected. I will be trying this on the Viper and see if I can find a way to make the texture on the plane change as well once the new texture is applied to the flattened parts (maybe by making the parts a new component or so).
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Wow, it's nice and precise work you've done there! What rendering tool did u use? My machine is always going to meltdown with Maxwell plugin.. :D
I was thinking about the problem in simillar way, but there are so many angles and curved parts to fix that it is almost impossible to keep textures continuous.
Even to achieve this result I had to "explode" all groups to keep texture in "one piece", it was just an accident that I figured out it will work that way.. :D
P.S.: Oh, I'm not reading, POV-Ray, got it! thumbsup
I would love to know how this exploding works. I read about it, installed a script but I still am unable to make it work... :)
What I'm talking about is standard SU feature, I've created group from each part of the model for easier manipulation with them, you can work with each group separately. But I had to "destroy" this groups because when I tried to texture the model, each group takes unique pattern and they don't continue to another group. Sorry for my bad english, I hope that you understand what I'm trying to say. :facepalm:
All groups highlighted:

Would making a part common to each neighboring group help orient and maintain texture?

I wish so much I had the model of yours, just to play with. It is wonderful!! :)
Well, yes, if you want to make a "projection" of the texture from single rectangle to the model, it will continue on the whole thing. I had to smooth curved surfaces a bit of course.
Not a problem, I can send you a model ASAP. ;)
Awesome! Textures is interesting me more and more. :)
Not yet... We still need a NARCISSUS... Just saying..! ;)

Awesome work on the parts. I love it! :)
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VGer, Thank You for the Mesh, I have had much fun playing with it. I was able to apply the color as a "Texture, the "Charcoal" looking stuff, as another "Texture, while the part was unfolded. By clicking on "Keep Properties", the part unfolds with the Textures still applied. This was what I was trying to explain to you Revelle-Fan. I still don't get the whole U-V thing though. Rhino does not see the curves in the mesh you so kindly loaned me., so, within Rhino, I have to extract the curve network, then remove any line that is diagonal, as they do nothing. The texture is lost when the "Curve Network is extracted, which sucks. That means the texture must be applied again. Some people think you can just grab a MESH and use it, but it does not work that way, each program has it's own rules, advantages, and disadvantages. I have figured out a way of adding texture reference lines, and I could lighten or darken them in Rhino, but any shadowing or other type of texturing I'll have to leave for Photoshop. As you can see though, in Rhino, f you are using a texture, and you mix and match 4 levels of textures, and vary the gloss, transparency, that texture will unroll with the part and will unroll referenced the same way as it is on the part unrolled. :)

I believe I am on the verge of figuring out ow to add the texture within Rhino itself. However, now I think I will be able to make the actual lines and panels to greeble it instead of using textures. I'll do another thread on this. I wish there were other people here who used Rhino. :(
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That looks FANTASTIC!!! My printer's getting hungry... More please, more!!! :)
Wow, it seems you have leaped a few Parsecs ahead on the Texture front. I have not looks at my model in many moons. I a designing a medical device that has all my attention. What you are doing looks great!!
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