Curtis Steel


Will always be re-membered
Dec 28, 2000
Georgetown, Ontario,Canada
Some of you will remember my old steel mill. I have decided to rebuild and expand it. First off a new coal dumping shed for the Anderson coke plant which is going through some changes. You will see I am using my favourite building material. Next step will be interior painting then the roof.


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it's amazing what kind of supplies you can find in the dumpster. I just strolled behind the architecture building here at UNL and found loads of illustration board and wood strips from discarded architecture models. Hmm. Too bad I have no space to carry that back home with me on amtrak.

Wouldn't it be great to have a shop with a big chicken head painted on the interior wall.

Only a model railroader from the Gauge would get it.
Zedob the poor old chicken succombed from the inordinate amounts of coal dust.

The shed is finished and ready to be installed.

Thanks for your support guys.


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Neil, not sure of the proper name but this first photo is an electrically driven unit that delivers crushed coal to the coke ovens


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This photo shows the unit that pushes the red hot coke from the oven with that pusher arm. The coke falls into a hopper on the other side and is the moved to the quenching tower to cool it down. I believe this would be a diesel driven unit to have enough power to do the job.
Both units are scrachbuilt as are the ovens using mostly cardboard.


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Robin, It's been said by others before, but I'm consistently amazed at the high quality and detail that you achieve with cereal boxes. An excellent structure again!
Robin , I'll be seeing The Master , Dean Freytag , in a couple of weeks at an Ohio Steel Modellers Meet . We will all be touring his layout ( I saw it last year Too ) . Dean is in his early 80's now and is great fun to be with and talk to ....always helpful . He arranged for me to get the Plastruct Sintering Plant False Front Kit that is sort of ' scratchbuilt with instructions ' . I'm almost done that kit .
You've done a great job in capturing the essence of the Coke Plant in a small space . Great Work .

Neil, when you see Dean pass on my thanks to him for the inspiration he has given me in particular and to many others as well and for his excellent photos and info about steel mills.