Currell's Vickers "London-New York" Airship

Ken Horne

Feb 6, 2004
Edmonton, Canada
Hi all,

This is the first time I will have posted a review, so bear with me. I have decided to post this as there is a current interest in the new Concorde model also published by this designer. Ralph Currell's collection of free card models may be accessed at

This model is of the proposed Vickers "London-New York" Transoceanic Airship. The subject is huge, and even at 1:700 scale it is almost 14 inches long. I will not bother with any detailed history or description of the model, but will instead refer you to the above site where you may download it and see for yourself :) As important to some, myself included, are the absolutely terrific instruction set that comes with the model. It blows me away that this is all free! The instructions constitute more work than some models I've seen.


This is a picture of her as she sits tonight. Nearly finished, only 5 more nacelles to hang. I hope to have more / better pictures of her soon.

As can be seen, the model is very colourful, for an essentially white subject (much like the aforementioned Concorde). I'm sorry, but I did not take any "in-progress" shots, other than the above. But again, as you may download the model and instructions itself, you can watch the construction techniques though the step by steps.

I really cannot say enough of the instructions. This feature (as is common with all his models) really takes these slightly complex models into the realm of beginner or even first try modelers, assuming the first timer has some previous balsa or plastic or other modeling experience and patience.

The parts sheets are also of the highest quality. Artistically, the shading of this 28-sided poly-cigar is very nice, especially around the very nice graphic elements. There is no hint of weathering, though I suspect that this is appropriate. Technically, the outlines are clear, thin and easy to follow, and best of all, when you go to glue all of the bits together, they fit! I am by no means an expert builder, with only a few models I would call successes and had no problems that a bit of patience and care couldn’t take care of. NOTE: Keep your hands CLEAN! I have some baby wipes nearby and
wash my hands very often. The little glue balls I get (I use Ailleen’s Tacky Glue) stick all over the beautiful white surface, and the shadows from these little bumps and strings really show. An ounce of prevention…

This model was printed on a Epson C84 using Epson Matt Heavyweight very bright white coated paper. The paper is great although delicate. If you get an glue blobs on it, or sticky fingers, the coating/ink will come off :-(

I will add some more after I have finished, and please feel free to ask any questions of the build.

Take care,

Kenny Horne,
Edmonton Canada

The following is taken from a post earlier today, thanks Bengt:

Hi Ken,

I totally agree with you - the Vickers London - New York airship model is a beautiful
model, and so are all the other models that Ralph Currell so graciously provides free of
charge. I started building it but left it half-finished when I bought a larger printer. I
will make larger sheets now, and I think I will change the grey colour slightly towards
darker and more neutral. Have you seen the pictures of the large (225%) model on Ralph
Currell´s site? I would like to build one like this, from a high quality laser print.

This airship was a grand project for it´s day in 1919, just after WW I: with six engines,
two outside promenade decks (one on the top behind the passenger quarters and one at the
far end of the tail) plus one "observation car" below the ship aft, roomy sleeping
cabins, a lift and a luxurious restaurant on top. But the disaster of the R-101 on it´s
way to India halted further development of the Vickers airships. It was a great pity -
this airship would certainly have rivalled the famous and popular LZ-127 "Graf Zeppelin",
which became the first aircraft to circumnavigate the Globe in 1929. It will certainly
make a very interesting historical comparison next to Erik te Groen´s and Ralph Currell´s
fine new Concorde model!

Here are some more interesting facts about the Vickers Transoceanic airship:
and some more pictures of the model:

best regards,
That is a nice looking build.
I cannot agree with you more on the excellent instructions Ralph includes with his free models. I too am not an expert by any means. I built Space Ship One from Ralph Currell's site and it went together fantastically. The illustrated instructions were a breeze to follow and made what looked like an intimidating build a down right pleasure.

I keep telling myself to build more of the models from that site, but as usual I get side tracked. :p
Yeah, sidetracked, that's a good excuse.:roll: :grin:
I built the V1 it is an amazing kit, it would be amazing even if it wasn't free, excellent parts fit and the best instructions I have ever seen, better then Revell plastic kit I think.
ya currell is one of the best designers i have ever built from.

have made his R101 R100 and am working on the Graf Zeppelin atm...

wonderfull kits.