Creating a Card Model using Wings 3D - A Tutorial


New Member
Jan 18, 2008
Derby, UK
Following a declaration of interest, in this tutorial I will demonstrate how to design a card model using the free 3D design application Wings3D.

Wings is a subdivision modeller - meaning that you create a simple object (like a cube) and subdivide it into smaller parts to shape. It's kind of like modelling in clay, unlike a lot of other mainstream 3D applications.

Any comments directly related to the tutorial should be posted here in this topic. Any other questions or issues about Wings 3D or other elements of 3D modelling should be posted in this thread.

Other tools that will be used are:

- Inkscape
- Gimp

All the applications I will be using are free and multi-platform.

I will post useful information and edits on this first post. At the moment I'm trying to work out the easiest way to do this. It's going to be quite long with a fair few pics. Is it better to link all the pics in the thread or is it better to do it as a link to an external web page or is a PDF the way to go?
Thanks for the support. Just to let you know, I haven't stopped working on / thinking about this tutorial. I've spent the last couple of days making screenshots of the build process in Wings and have a few more steps to go there before I start writing up.

First, though, an introduction and some (probably obvious) hints and tips aimed more at beginners.

I'm aware that Wings probably isn't the best product out there for making a model kit with. It's primarily a 3D design and texturing app, after all. For what I do, though (mainly single-page or "simple" model kits) it's ideal and gives me the best productivity rate as I'm familiar with its interface and way of working. That said, if you see something I've done that's wrong or there's an easier way to do it then please chip in with comments. Teaching is a learning experience, after all, and that includes the teacher.

OK. Before you even fire up Wings, give your model some thought. If it's a reproduction of something that exists (movie prop etc) then find as many reference pictures as you can and research the object to make sure you have the shape right from all angles. Use pen and paper to maybe sketch the object so that you're familiar with it.

Give some thought to the end purpose of the model. Is it a 1:1 scale model to be handled and played with or a large model that will take pride of place on your display shelf? If so it will have to be sturdy and you may need to design internal supports or double-layer parts for durability. Is it a small model, maybe a game playing piece? If so it will have to be simple and easy to construct.

Think about how to break the model up into component parts to make it easier to build. Boxes are always easy to make so I find it best to break down as many shapes as possible into at least one right angle.

Once you have that all straight then fire up Wings and...wait for the first part of the tutorial.

I hope that is useful as a starting point. :)
I am always on the look out for any instructions that will help me make a better model. Will look into your designing techniques. Thank you for your effort in passing on your knowledge.
UPDATE: Again, I haven't forgotten this project. My plan was to use a human-scaled model of a LEGO lightsaber hilt as this project's model, but although the 3D modelling process was fairly useful the process of breaking the model into buildable parts was proving to be, well, boring. cylinder after cylinder after cylinder and they're very repetitive and very non-illustrative (if that's a word) of the process.

So I've decided that the UV mapping part of the tutorial will use a different model - a card model version of the BSS Jane Seymour from the retro sci-fi game of the same name.


I hope that's OK.

Note that I won't draw a detailed texture for this model, just the parts. This will save loads of time.
ANOTHER UPDATE: I have finished the first part of the tutorial, but in the process have trimmed a lot of redundant stuff from part 2.

I'm ready to post part 1, but I'm not sure that it's best to post the whole kit and caboodle straight to the forum in post form or whether I should link to it externally. I was, actually just considering a mixture of both - host the tutorial on my own site (which is easier in terms of picture hosting) and write out a separate version that links to the images on the original - saves bandwidth for Zealot too.

If that's OK I think I'll go with that option. Your thoughts would be appreciated.
Whatever you do, make sure you think of the average person who will be following your tutorial. I would be willing to let you have a thread with just the tutorial. Post the tutorial. I will then lock the thread, any time you which to add or update something, let me know, and either i will do it for you, or will unlock the thread long enough for you to do what you need to, then lock it gain. At the end of the locked thread, there would be a link to the Q&A thread for the tutorial thread. Just another option. I would prefer for you to do the whole thing here and will accommodate you and we can make it work. it would be a one stop deal. I think it would be easier for you in the long run. You can upload pictures too, instead of linking to them. I really REEAALLLLYYY would like to see it all in one place, then "Q and A's" in another thread. I could make them both sticky's next to each other. :)
OK, ta, let's do that. In that case, two newbie type questions:
  1. is there a limit to the amount of pictures that can be included in a post?
  2. do I need to host the images externally or can they be posted to the forum directly in the thread?
OK, ta, let's do that. In that case, two newbie type questions:
  1. is there a limit to the amount of pictures that can be included in a post?
  2. do I need to host the images externally or can they be posted to the forum directly in the thread?

1. Unfortunately, yes there is a limit of 6 (six) photos (or images) per post.

2. You can post photos from your computer. I do all the time when I post photos.
Just got "advanced post" and you will see an icon that looks like a paperclip. that is for attachments Click on it. A window will pop up. follow the instructions.

I look forward to seeing your work.