Riding it out in Alaska and working from home in the meantime. In a nutshell I am not sure the official numbers here are a blessing or a curse. Being among the lowest in the country, the state is moving towards reopening, but I can't help but think that this is all quite premature. Granted, I recognize that there are many real people whose jobs and ability to put food on the table depend on going to jobs that put them at increased risk.
Being up in Alaska, you may be one of those places where the numbers are really low, and can justify opening up and going back to what you need to do. Just keep wearing the masks, don't touch your face with your hands, something people do so much, it' a hard habit to break. The problem with "Official Numbers" is that since not testing was done on a national scale, there's no idea how this Virus is spreading. All that tax money wasted on an over bloated defense industry, giving the mlitary , forcing them to take weapons systems they don't want, and leaving the public they are supposed to be protecting helpless., and themselves too. When an aircraft carrier, state of the art, like the U.S Roosevelt gets put down bu sickness, the government is out of touch with those people who are trying to do they're job to protect us.

On a practical level, if you can find Blown Non Woven Polypropylene cloth, and get a roll, to make your own masks, you should be protected if you follow the other protocols I've mentioned. The cloth I have filters down to .1 Micron, which is smaller than the Covid virus. It looks like toilet paper, till you realize it's impossible to rip. It can be reused by spraying it, or saturating it with Hydrogen Peroxide, which kills all Virus's and Bacteria. You just have to let it dry. I use a stretchy neck Gaitor type sleeve, it's a stretchy tube, the you slip over your head down to your neck. You put the cloth on your face, cut out an 8" by 7.5" piece, and slide up the elastic tube over it up to the base of your eyes.. This holds the Filter sheet in place, and when you come home, wash the Gaitor sleeve in very hot water, with anti microbial soap, Virus's don't live over much more than 117 degrees, so the Hot water, if very hot, out of your tap, should kill it, to soap will mechanically remove any residue. Remove the whole assembly after you wash your hands, and slide, or roll the tube upwards so that the outside does not touch your face, and then put the unit into a pot of hot, but not boiling water.

Here's a link to the stuff I purchased. I purchased 10 meters(33 feet) of the stuff, it's 7.5" wide. It's very strong and not very difficult to breath through. You know how much it's filtering, as the breathing difficulty goes up exponentially, so only one layer is needed. This stuff exceeds N95 masks in filter ability. Using an elastic sleeve m=makes so there are no openings over your nose, or anywhere else on your face, as it plaster the mask against your skin. It's reasonably priced too.

Link =

I edited this. This cloth filters down to .1 microns, not 1 micron. Sorry, forgot the ".". :)

Blown Polypropylene.jpg
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Since my work put me on medical leave, I am stuck in the house anyway, very little money coming in, and it all goes to bills first, then if any is left, we splurge a little. I cashed out my 401k and that is what we are living on until the disability payments start. Georgia is starting to reopen, and so far, we haven't seen any increase in case numbers, they are still slowly declining.
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Since my work put me on medical leave, I am stuck in the house anyway, very little money coming in, and it all goes to bills first, then if any is left, we splurge a little. I cashed out my 401k and that is what we are living on until the disability payments start. Georgia is starting to reopen, and so far, we haven't seen any increase in case numbers, they are still slowly declining.

I am happy for that, problem is, without any testing and up to a 21 day incubation, and some people are carriers, you won't know the results till after the state opens up. This is true of everywhere.

I drove through Georgia once, It is a fantastically beautiful state, and all the people I met were extremely cordial. Connecticut has some really nice people, but south of Interstate Interstate 84 (I-84), on the west side of the state where I live, most of my life, it gets kind of snooty, and Westport Ct. where I have met some really nice people, known as the "Gold Coast" worldwide because of the concentration of wealth, has air made of snoot. :)
Addendum, the cloth I posted above filters down to 1 micron! The Covid Virus is bigger than that. :)
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I appreciate your thoughts! Yes, Alaska is an odd case. Though - I also wondered how long it would be before cases in WA came to AK given how closely the two states are connected (and that was months ago). Now we just wait and see. Yes, as I am adhering to the protocols above, and my family is as well. Kids aren't going out at all just because there is no way to manage little kids in public and especially under these conditions.

As for the material - I will check it out research a purchase-we are about out of the N95s that we had around the house and that is after carefully reusing.
So, we have our first major scandal:

The German company "Westfleisch" is located in Coesfeld, one of our neighbour counties. They produce meat and use subcontractors for their work who occupy agency workers from abroad. These workers live in big houses with several small units maintained by said companies and subcontractors. Working conditions are sub-standard which has already been known for a long time (accord work, questionable hygiene standards etc.). Three days ago the results of a routine check showed 78 infected workers. One day later it was 130. As of this moment the number has risen to 198 with no limit in sight. The company was closed reluctantly yesterday because it is one of the biggest employers in the industry.

Ironically things did not look too bad at the beginning of the week. A group consisting of our chancellor, ministers and specialists came together on Wednesday and worked out new guide lines for the following week. One of those guide lines included relaxations of the shutdown because the overall numbers are decreasing tremendously. Everyone was glad about the development. Nearly all businesses may open again next week if they are able to maintain the distancing and hygiene rules. You can book trips for September, too. However, one of the new rules says that the relaxation procedure has to be stopped immediately if there are more tan 50 newly infected per 100.000 inhabitants of a region. Due to the Westfleisch incident Coesfeld is in shutdown mode again after everyone was rejoicing about picking up their business again. People were shocked to see the situation change so quickly. All compnies of the industry are now being tested. The overall consensus is that this incident is typical of certain key industries which are known to have dubious practises and that we have to carefully rethink our actions and desires. We all want cheap meat - but there is always a price to pay.

Tomorrow our tenants are allowed to have visitors again. Yesterday we prepared the location appropriately. We have three places which are separated from each other, plexiglass separators help to keep the distance. The visitors have to make an appointment first and fill out a questionnaire regarding their health condition and if they had contact to a Covid-19 infected in the last 14 days. We are extremely glad for our tenants but on the other hand coordinating the visitors needs more man-power. For this reason I'll be working tomorrow, so I won't have much time for building this weekend. ;)

On another note, famous magician Roy has died of the infection.

We also lost Little Richard today but nothing has been said about the cause yet.


Take care and stay healthy, everyone! :)
So, we have our first major scandal:

The German company "Westfleisch" is located in Coesfeld, one of our neighbour counties. They produce meat and use subcontractors for their work who occupy agency workers from abroad. These workers live in big houses with several small units maintained by said companies and subcontractors. Working conditions are sub-standard which has already been known for a long time (accord work, questionable hygiene standards etc.). Three days ago the results of a routine check showed 78 infected workers. One day later it was 130. As of this moment the number has risen to 198 with no limit in sight. The company was closed reluctantly yesterday because it is one of the biggest employers in the industry.

Ironically things did not look too bad at the beginning of the week. A group consisting of our chancellor, ministers and specialists came together on Wednesday and worked out new guide lines for the following week. One of those guide lines included relaxations of the shutdown because the overall numbers are decreasing tremendously. Everyone was glad about the development. Nearly all businesses may open again next week if they are able to maintain the distancing and hygiene rules. You can book trips for September, too. However, one of the new rules says that the relaxation procedure has to be stopped immediately if there are more tan 50 newly infected per 100.000 inhabitants of a region. Due to the Westfleisch incident Coesfeld is in shutdown mode again after everyone was rejoicing about picking up their business again. People were shocked to see the situation change so quickly. All compnies of the industry are now being tested. The overall consensus is that this incident is typical of certain key industries which are known to have dubious practises and that we have to carefully rethink our actions and desires. We all want cheap meat - but there is always a price to pay.

Tomorrow our tenants are allowed to have visitors again. Yesterday we prepared the location appropriately. We have three places which are separated from each other, plexiglass separators help to keep the distance. The visitors have to make an appointment first and fill out a questionnaire regarding their health condition and if they had contact to a Covid-19 infected in the last 14 days. We are extremely glad for our tenants but on the other hand coordinating the visitors needs more man-power. For this reason I'll be working tomorrow, so I won't have much time for building this weekend. ;)

On another note, famous magician Roy has died of the infection.

We also lost Little Richard today but nothing has been said about the cause yet.


Take care and stay healthy, everyone! :)

It's great that your officials were diligent about closing this place down. We have places here that take advatage of migrant workers. I visited a place in North Carolina that has been usiing the same people, and generations of their families, as they built incredible housing, with massive kitchens, private bedrooms. Because of this, the workers work hard, and bring other hard workers. Every year this farm actively fills out al the forms, and actually sends buses down to the border to pick up their work force. The owner says he is more than competative, and has seen Great grandfathers to great grandchildren work on his farm. His famiy plans to continue the legacy. These workers didn't want to live in America, they needed work, that no one else would do, and are very happy when it's time to go home.

It's quite disgusting when people take advatage of anyone they can, because they neeed work, and are down on their luck, or time passes them by too fast. Not everyone is given the same opportunities, though many people who are doing well think so, while they themselves are 6 months of unemployment to being homeless.

I appreciate your thoughts! Yes, Alaska is an odd case. Though - I also wondered how long it would be before cases in WA came to AK given how closely the two states are connected (and that was months ago). Now we just wait and see. Yes, as I am adhering to the protocols above, and my family is as well. Kids aren't going out at all just because there is no way to manage little kids in public and especially under these conditions.

As for the material - I will check it out research a purchase-we are about out of the N95s that we had around the house and that is after carefully reusing.

Those N-95 masks can be sanitized with Hydrogen Peroxide also. How many times depends on if it is paper based or not. That's why I went to the Blown, Non-woven Polypropylene. ;)
Got it! Yes, standard 3m N95s from Home Depot, purchased long before this crisis for normal applications.
Make sure no air comes in or out from the nose bridge , eye area. That where all filter masks are weak. :)
Hello guys! i hope you are ok. I buyed the 3d masks that people build with the 3d printers, they are fun. Anyway when i have to go outside i use some home builded using cloth. They are tight and strong.
It's the cloth that's the number one issue. Nylon stockings (the high section, pulled over your head) hold the filter material one of the best ways. It makes the filter conform to your face and leave no openings. It should be 1 micron or less filtering on the actual filter cloth. :)