Indeed. If you could say for sure that, for example, only the villages or suburbs are affected it would be only a matter of weeks to contain the areas in question and break the contamination chain. But as long as there are people going in and out, be it for work or fetching supplies, there is no way to do so. IMO it would take at least three months of strict quarantine and observation till anyone could even consider stepping back from the current course.

BTW, it seems that smaller shops with a shopping area of up to 800 square meters are allowed to open again next week here. That includes shoe shops which - frankly - I am glad about. I need special inlays for my shoes (the ones I have are disintegrating fast since last week) and I was about to order some online. That gives me the chance to support my local shop after such a long hiatus.
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As of 12 noon, Thursday, 16Apr2020, the Georgia Department of Health is reporting 16,368 cases, and 617 deaths from this. Floyd County is up to 122 cases, but still only 6 deaths. I am so over this.

Here is the direct link to the Ga DoPH Covid 19 site.
Stay up to date on Stats can be really depressing. Take care of your immediate area of concern, and look at this "Stats" every couple of days. They are hard to analyze because of the cockamany way that they are taken, and the fact that testing is haphazard. IMHO :)
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I fully agree. At first I was checking them twice a day. That changed to once a day, now I do it every few days. Since this situation is unlike anything we have ever encountered all strategies are based on logic (more or less ;) ). Scientists, economists and demographers will spend decades interpreting and evaluating the data. The whole matter will produce excellent topics for future bachelors and doctors.
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Zathros I agree with you. The one tihing I can understand in this moment is that the world needs to think again about our relations on China. Saving money by using the chinese sclave labor is passport to Chinese wealth that's so dangerous to a non democratie regim. We are paying the bill now. this can be done differently in the future.
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Yup. Not all of the country uses slave labor, but they do have a lot to answer for. They are so busy building islands fortresses to tale over the sea that belongs to Vietnam, Taiwan, Indonesia, etc. They are so big, that t100's of millions of disenfranchised people there are like a fly on the ass of an elephant. For that matter, my own country (USA) has a lot to answer for. Why haven't we been ready for this when Bill Gates has been yelling about it for the last 5 years, and many others? Why did the Federal Government take 3 months to get serious about this? Why have corporations since only recent times given the rights as individual humans? Negotiations are not done for mutual benefit between countries, in earnest, every country has something to offer and trade for, and for those that don't, they can be helped, not given massive loans they cannot possibly pay off. It's a big problem controlled by a very small group of people.

If you go left far enough, you become a right wing nut. If you go right far enough, you become a left wing nut. It's the same groups of overly wealthy powerful and power hungry individuals that screw this world up, and now, sometimes it feels like they are leaving the door open for we, the people, to get wiped out, no borders, no races, just vast swarms of people, wiped out. Who are these people in control? Well, that's the real question. Everyone knows a small piece of the picture. We all get peaks at who some of these people are in different countries around the world. IMHO.
Yesterday smaller shops up to 800 square meters were allowed to open. So far everything looks orderly here except for those who think the threat is over. I absolutely can't stand those getting too close to me and when I'm moving further away to keep the distance they are getting even closer! Sometimes I wish for a 1.5 meter stick to defend my space (not to hit anyone but to show them how big a circle with a 1.5 meter radius really is). On Sunday I only wanted to take a picture of our church for my latest project. ONE picture. In and out. Nothing more. Well, I got "in", the "out" turned into running a gauntlet. People everywhere blocking the streets, passing by as close as possible. I had to jump into the bushes to avoid them. Hell. It is allowed to go for a walk, which means "go" and not "stand around at every corner". I was really fed up. Of course there was no police or such around. Ah well. We'll see how the numbers evolve within the next two weeks.

OK. Rant over. Today I noticed something rather funny. We have a sculpture of a bull at our park. Someone had the idea to attach a face mask to it and added the words "Holl di kreggel" (pronounced: "Haul dee craggle" ;)) which is low German for "Keep well and fit":




I wholeheartedly agree with that: Stay healthy, everyone! :)
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That's a cow I'd eat!! :)

As far as people getting too close, do what I do, I look them in the eyem, and say "Back off, now!". It works, make sure your voice is stern enough. Some people are just n a daze and forget about the reality they are in. I have been with people flying, and realized that they where day dreaming, as we flew pass the check point,. I slapped them on their leg quite quickly and hard, followed by a "WFT?". ;)
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Jeesh Guys...Just hearing the numbers makes me cringe...and that is minor compared to the rest of the world...
I sure am thankful, I chose to live here...I am embarrassed to say, that in my whole county there have been only 2 cases reported...and it is a large county!
Area: 2,965 mi²
Population: 23,709... it could really be worse, as the population tends to ignore anything from the government, not too many "Mask" out there, but it is "Cow Country" so there are Bandannas up the ying-yang!

I know it has been said, but PLEASE, be CAREFUL!!!
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That's a cow I'd eat!! :)
It's a great asset for the kids. I myself used to ride on it when I was little! ;)

There was an art exhibition at our neighbour town last year. The exhibit included two life-sized horses which are quite similar to our bull but which were made of bronze instead of stone. They had become so popular that the major officially bought them from the artist to keep them at the market place:


(Please don't look at my hair, it was quite windy..! ;) )

As far as people getting too close, do what I do, I look them in the eyem, and say "Back off, now!".
Yep! I'm already doing so. So far no-one has ever vetoed. ;)
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Those are really nice Bronze horse sculptures. :)
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Don't know where you live, my town hs a population of around 26,000 people. Problem is we are a stonew's throw, about 120 miles, due North from NYC. We have had a consistent 66 to 68 cases, with 1 death of an elderly person. It seems like keeping out of each others face is working.
My place is located directly at the German-Dutch border. Population 22,550. State of today: 19 infected, 53 healed, 4 dead.
Testing is ow showing the real numbers where I live. We have 98 confirmed cases. My closest neighbor's family has been affected, she caught the virus, a front line nurse taking care of the people with the virus, the hospital not having the proper masks, but she is almost recovered, Thank God!! This is one of the nicest person I have met, and as a family, the sweetest. None of her 3 children or Husband have caught, so apparently she knew how to isolate herself. It's good to hear about the people recovering. Her husband told me they are going to start taking blood samples from her for the vaccine study. He said, she said, it wasn't so bad, but it got really really hard to breathe. This is where I think that people with Asthma, (me), and preexisting lung conditions (me0 would get into problems.

Stay safe, don't be brave, be smart! :)
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I talked to my Neighbor today, she says she feels great!! It was great seeing outside on a Sunny day playing with her 3 children, all very young. :)
Unless or until, there has been much testing, there is no way to know how any state is doing. I hope it's true for you Micah. :)
From tomorrow on all citizens must wear a face mask when they go shopping. There won't be any fines for the time being for those who don't but I'm sure they will be forbidden to enter the shop. I'm very satisfied with this rule because that finally gives me some protection from sneezing and coughing people near me. The distance must still be kept though.
Same here, everyone must wear a mask of some sort, home made, or purchased, as it is difficult to purchase any. I have now 10 meters x 7.5" Covid-19 rated Blown Polyprolylene sheet masks. I gave 10 feet of it to my neighbor who is a nurse and just recovered, and can make masks for her own uses. These masks can be sterilized with Hydrogen Peroxide. :)
I find it quite astounding how ignorant, or misinformed people can be about this whole Covid pandemic. I was having my new phone (LG V40ThinQ) set up with my carrier, I haad to put a new SIM and put a 128G SD card into it. I had to wait an hour while the idiots at the counter, where constantly taking their masks off to pick their noses, wipe their fingers under the counter, with the masks only covering their mouth, that I felt compelled to say something. so I said, "You people are endangering everyone here, including the cashier who was constantly taking her mask on and off, "by your lack of understanding of how an airborne virus spreads." One person made the mistake of making a "tasteless remark" in Spanish. The gloves came off, and I let into them. I demanded the manager be called down, pointed out the people. They looked aghast at me, maybe because the way I look, they two males would not make eye contact with me, and they shut their mouths. I demanded that the manager sanitize that complete electronics counter, and reprimand her staff, or I would file charges against her (the manager) Target, and would be promptly calling the police. I also suggested that maybe the fault lied at her feet for not training her staff, and if in fact she had, they were being insubordinate to her. The manager wiped the whole station down, and by then a large group of people gathered, who were also waiting, started making comments supporting me.

I read the most idiotic posts on some public sites, I hate Facebook, but read there how the government is inflating the numbers? The pandemic has now reached the mid western states, so people there are acting like the dumb ass president we have and sticking their heads in the sand. I do not know if this is sheet stupidity, honest ignorance, but even our beloved Trump is now saying to expect 3000 deaths a day from this pandemic. Georgia, which wants to go back to normal is just starting to be hit bad, and they aren't doing a damned thing about it. There is no testing, and every time it is done, the numbers for that area go up by the 1000's.

Honestly, look in the mirror, look to see if you represent the face of stupidity or are being proactive, or like most people, tryng to ride it out.

Read the numbers from many sources, legitimate scientific sources, you figure that out, but if you think you are going to sneeze you way through this, you may become a statistic, and I'll be there to grab you stuff, and burn down your infected house(.....satire).

Seriously, Our government, lead by our President is lying to us. Prez. Trump had the data back in January and did nothing to prepare. Kind of reminds me of former Prez. Bush flying over New Orleans and saying, "Those 20, or 30,000 people are O.K., they're standing on that bridge and have that big stadium to poop in" (No, he did not say that, as far as I know, but his later actions showed what a person who thinks that way would respond.

Will Trump land somewhere and pronounce "Pandemic is Finished!" next week? Wait till this continues sweeping west, across the country and people out in the middle of nowhere start having trouble getting goods needed for sustenance. Maybe nature is cleaning house, and the dulards are in line for the dust pan as Covid sweeps the country. :skull:skull:skull:skull:skull

Rant over.