Copper Ridge Railway under construction

Its good to hear you have a new job to go to Rory. Will it be in the computer field? It's nice to be home and free to work on the railroad but that terrible need for money always gets in the way.
I guess I haven't posted here in a while. I've been lurking just so I could keep up with the conversations, but only when I've been able to grab a couple of free minutes. are the details! :)

I just got called about 20 minutes ago to arrange my start date. I'll start working for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice on the 17th. (I worked for them before as a programmer.) I'll be working as a Systems Support Specialist--keeping up their workstations and related hardware, and doing purchasing and planning. Also, I just got an e-mail from a friend of mine who wants me to do some more programming on the side. So, although there probably won't be a lot of time for workin' on the railroad, at least there will be some money for when I can work on it! :)

So, I gotta get crackin' this week and get as much done as I can.

I'll try to get a picture or two up in the next couple of days. I promise!
Congrats on the new gig Rory!
I know it's always a relief to start getting a regular paycheck again!
Good luck to you, & I hope everything works out well for you!
So whenever you get time, Rory, we'll be looking forward to some new pics of the CR Ry. :)
btw...Tyson's been so busy with his new camera, that none of the rest of us are getting any work done on our layouts, either! :D :D :D
No, Mike is right. I've been slacking. And even more than the rest of you, he has the right to light a fire under me. Afterall, he gave me all of that great rolling stock that's going to play starring roles on the Copper Ridge once operations start up "for real."

I got to working on it this afternoon and got most of the third level painted. I mostly concentrated on finishing the front sides. I realized today that I need to put in some more spackle on the back before I can finish painting that part, so I just did what I could.

I left a few of the trees from the 3-D picture on there...


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Rory please don't take my kidding to seriously. I'm a firm believer that one should NOT work on the layout unless you want to, not because you don't think you are getting things done fast enough. That was a mistake I made on my first attempt on my current layout. I walked in the train room one day and realized that the quality I was looking for wasn't there and couldn't be. I had made to many compromises in my rush to get it done(I've been at this HOW long now?). So I tore the whole thing down and started over. I move at a slower pace but am much happier with the results! My rule of thumb when I go in the train room is, do I really want to do something today or am I here because I don't think I've been making enough progress lately? If the answer is the latter I turn off the lights and LEAVE!! Remember it's only a hobby. Work on it only when YOU are in the mood and you will have more fun and better results I will bet on it! Good luck my friend. :D
It's nice to see your progress Rory. Your layout is taking on the reality look.
Now just be sure you are following Tyson's suggestions by not rushing. See what he and many of us have been through?
Well, truthfully, I've been wanting to work on the layout for a long while now. I just haven't had the chance to do it. But I've got a few days where I can dedicate some time to it (since I'm not out job hunting), so I'm going to try to do as much as I can. Unfortunately, supplies are low, so I'm going to have to wait to get some more $$$ before I can get much more done... :(

BTW, I'm already contemplating the possibility of a diorama for the office! :):):)
Congrats to all!!!


Amazing the amount of progress you have made in just two months!!! Great to actually see what can be accomplished with a light weight wood frame and foam construction.:cool:

I just joined The-Guage a few moments ago after following your adventures in planning (June 2001) and building the layout. What impresses me most about this forum is all the suggestions, comments and encouragement provided back and forth by the members. Kudos to all that have helped Rory develop his layout.:D

I look forward to seeing more updates on this layout and getting everyones input and ideas on my futrue projects.

PS Rory - I'll have a hard time forgetting your birthday.:p
Thanks for the kind words, Carl. I couldn't have done what I have without the help of the folks here on The Gauge. This really is a great place to get information! I have to give credit to a bunch of folks here. Even the track plan was inspired by one that someone posted for me.

I'm hoping to pick up the pace of construction again here soon. I've been doing a lot of rock painting and sculpting lately. I'm almost ready for some trees and grass! :)
Just thought I'd check in...

I was reminded by one of my fellow N-scalers that I hadn't posted in a while, so I thought I'd drop a line a let everyone know that the Glasgow family is doing fine. I'm adjusting to my new schedule with my new job, so I've just been lurking when I could steal a few minutes to get on The Gauge...

BTW, the posting rate on this board has been phenomenal. There is no way I'm going to be able to catch up! :)

Work on the Copper Ridge is somewhat on a hiatus while the company awaits the results of a new bond election. Hopefully by the end of this coming week the company will have funds to continue construction. Construction of the mining complex has been delayed pending landscaping work that needs to be completed (which will require more funds). Also of particular concern are the two bridges. Civil engineers have been busy studying and designing the spans over the Copper Canyon on the eastern end of the layout. Hopefully construction of the permanent bridges will begin soon.

In the meantime, however, I have been entertaining myself with a couple of small dioramas. One is complete and features Thomas the Tank Engine pulling Annie and Clarabel across a section of his branch line. The other is about halfway completed and includes a kitbashed station and will have trees and a short freight (or maybe passenger) train. I'll post pictures of these sometime soon...
Hi Rory!
It's good to hear from you again, & we look forward to seeing what you've been up to!
I know what you mean about the nuber of posts...I was gone for a week recently, & when I got back there were 5 PAGES of new posts!!:eek:
I think that is GREAT!!:cool: :cool:
We've gotten so many new members lately...I think quite a few of them have jumped ship from some other sites...can't say as I blame 'em!
Anyway, glad to hear everyone's OK, & you're settling in to the new job!
Stay in touch!
Good to hear from you Rory. Working can really get in the way of hobbies but its great that you have this position to keep you occupied. The funds help too.
Thanks for the update.