Copper Ridge Mine...sorta


Active Member
Jun 3, 2001
Huntsville, TX USA
For the 3-D scene I posted in the N-scale forum, I stuck a couple of pieces from a Walthers service facility together and leaned them against a hillside to create a makeshift mining complex.

Does this qualify as a kitbash? :)


  • minekitbash.jpg
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Nah, those little ore cars are one of the highlights of the layout as far as I'm concerned! The combine has become my favorite piece of rolling stock--partly 'cause it's got my wife's name on it!

Thanks again, Tyson! :)
Hi Rory!
Kitbash, kit-trash, or whatever you want to call it, all I can say for sure is ...that'a going to be one FANTASTIC looking layout when you get that scenery going...that rugged terrain (rugged train, too :D sorry, very bad, I know) is too cool !
On a related note, I think I figured out why we first start scratchbuilding.

I've been looking for a more modern coal mine for my layout, and just haven't been happy with anything I've found in a kit. Closest has been Alpine/Suyban's Wyoming, but it's made of metal, and seemingly to me not worth the trouble.

So, what's left ??? Yep, kitbashing and scratchbuilding.