Construction Timetunnel

Don't forget this:


It could fit as a stand-in for the angled computer consoles. The shapes look so similar that I may assume that these are different generations of the same design. ;)

I could make a basic pattern for them but I would need some time... How fast do you need them?
Ich hoffe, Sie erkennen die Charaktere und welche Wissenschaftler sie darstellen sollen
und Buck Rogers Computer hat sich bewährt - ein riesiges Dankeschön an Revell-Fan
I hope you can recognize the characters and which scientists they are supposed to represent
and Buck Rogers computer has proven itself - a huge thank you to Revell fan
This has to one of the most unique dioramas I've seen. I watched that show every week for the short time it was on. I kept thinking, they never change their clothes, they must be really stink, or the dirt, grime, and skid marks, don't make it through the Time Machine, the ultimate time displacement Washing machine!!

Great project. There's no guessing on this, it's the only model of it I've ever seen. Wunderbar!! :)