Computer Trobules


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2010
New York, NY
Well...this is my first non-modeling related post, so here goes:
I have an unmodified Dell XPS 400 running on Windows 7. My problem is that when I try to extract a file on Winrar, everything but my mouse pointer freezes. Frankly, Idunno what the hell is going on here :confused: I hope the computer whizzes out on the forum can help. Thanks guys! :mrgreen:
--Bryan "Opposite over Adjacent" Tan
I had a similar problem when I first got Win7. Though I do not claim to be a computer whiz, here is what I did to solve it:

0) With any luck, the archive is not corrupt or infected. Try it on a different, non-win7 PC if you have access to one.
1) Turn off UAC. Reboot. You may still have to manually find the winrar program and right-click it to run as administrator.
2) move the archive to a temp folder like C:\TEMP. So long as it is not in any of the folders directly associated with your user account (like 'Desktop' or 'My Documents') it should be okay. Sometimes, programs get denied access when trying to access any of the user specific folders and they don't handle it well.
3) If winrar installed properly, you should get an option to 'extract here' if you right-click on the file; do that. Double-clicking should work too, but make sure that when you hit extract, it doesn't default to any of the user folders or some deeply buried temp directory where you'll never find it.
I have also seen issues where older versions of winrar do not run well on 64-bit Win7. You may have to uninstall it and try with the latest version.

As a last resort, you could e-mail the file to me and I will attempt to extract it and send it back as a .zip that win7 can handle. PM me if you wish to go this route.

I hope this helps. Good luck.

I had a similar problem when I first got Win7. Though I do not claim to be a computer whiz, here is what I did to solve it:

0) With any luck, the archive is not corrupt or infected. Try it on a different, non-win7 PC if you have access to one.
1) Turn off UAC. Reboot. You may still have to manually find the winrar program and right-click it to run as administrator.
2) move the archive to a temp folder like C:\TEMP. So long as it is not in any of the folders directly associated with your user account (like 'Desktop' or 'My Documents') it should be okay. Sometimes, programs get denied access when trying to access any of the user specific folders and they don't handle it well.
3) If winrar installed properly, you should get an option to 'extract here' if you right-click on the file; do that. Double-clicking should work too, but make sure that when you hit extract, it doesn't default to any of the user folders or some deeply buried temp directory where you'll never find it.
I have also seen issues where older versions of winrar do not run well on 64-bit Win7. You may have to uninstall it and try with the latest version.

As a last resort, you could e-mail the file to me and I will attempt to extract it and send it back as a .zip that win7 can handle. PM me if you wish to go this route.

I hope this helps. Good luck.

Thanks for the advice :thumb:. I'll be sure to try it.
Here are a couple of things to try

First, make sure you have enough hard drive space. Also, as another contributor mentioned, try uninstalling Winrar and give another third party application a try. Lastly, if only this particular file is slowing down your system, there is a good chance that it is corrupted.
Wish you luck.
Wow, thanks for the quick reply, guys! :thumb: I have kicked winrar to the curb, and I have 7zip. Unfortunately, whenever I am extracting a large file, all my programs stop responding, or everything but my mouse freezes...
Sorry to keep complaining about this
maybe this anwer will help you.
if the winrar program crash with your system.
maybe alternative software can help you. it can extract file like winrar program.
i try 7zip and its works in windows 7. good luck!