Company Makes Cardboard Tanks And Planes For Cats For World Domination

This is hilarious, awesome and quite logical. For some reasons unknown boxes of all kinds are so attractive to cats. The smaller, the better. And it proves that our hobby FINALLY makes sense - and eases the lady. Now you can pretend you are building Jan's Sulaco just for the cat! :D ;)
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Love it! Of course, my guys would shred that in a day! But a great way to use up all those cardboard boxes.
I have always had a dog, and I do love them. My Dalmatian lived for 16 years. My present dog is some kind of Corgi and land Pirahna mix. Noone would adopt him, and the place I got to does not put animals down, but I could not bear this dog living a life alone, so I adopted him. He shredding my hand the first day. I let go of his tongue an hour later and he has nipped me since then, but not shredded me. I am since them converted him in to a T.V. watching mellow dog. God forbid any dog that comes into my yard, he chases them right out. I have him on a 100' foot steel cable run, and the leash goes out 15' feet, so he has room to run, thin plastic coated cables, and the leash is on a pulley. He does tend to dawdle outside. I have no regrets adopting this down, he is around 15 years old, they did not know how old he was when we adopted him, but he is a little old dog now. I fear his time is coming, and I will grieve his loss. boy does he stink after bathing him, he smells better just leaving him to his own devices. He tries to bite the sh*t out of me when I attempt to grind his nails down, using clippers would be sure death for me. This little dog has been a handful, but he does love my motor home, I mean this dog loves traveling, and he is the right size for that,, and is a great alarm too.

I do think I like cats more though. I won't own any more animals after this. I have this dog and an older solid black cat, which is around 18 years old. I am getting older, and I feel changes coming that would make owning any animals difficult. I have owned so many, my favorite two cars, "Carlisle" and "Rambette" lived for 25 and 23 years respectively. Carlisle was Rambette's Mom. Their deaths tore a hole in my heart. I lost Abbey's son last Spring, he was 18 years old, the most precious animal you could imagine, a long haired solid black cat. His name was Dio. All my pets died of natural causes or of old age. :):(
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I have always had a dog, and I do love them. My Dalmatian lived for 16 years. My present dog is some kind of Corgi and land Pirahna mix. Noone would adopt him, and the place I got to does not put animals down, but I could not bear this dog living a life alone, so I adopted him. He shredding my hand the first day. I let go of his tongue an hour later and he has nipped me since then, but not shredded me. I am since them converted him in to a T.V. watching mellow dog. God forbid any dog that comes into my yard, he chases them right out. I have him on a 100' foot steel cable run, and the leash goes out 15' feet, so he has room to run, thin plastic coated cables, and the leash is on a pulley. He does tend to dawdle outside. I have no regrets adopting this down, he is around 15 years old, they did not know how old he was when we adopted him, but he is a little old dog now. I fear his time is coming, and I will grieve his loss. boy does he stink after bathing him, he smells better just leaving him to his own devices. He tries to bite the sh*t out of me when I attempt to grind his nails down, using clippers would be sure death for me. This little dog has been a handful, but he does love my motor home, I mean this dog loves traveling, and he is the right size for that,, and is a great alarm too.

I do think I like cats more though. I won't own any more animals after this. I have this dog and an older solid black cat, which is around 18 years old. I am getting older, and I feel changes coming that would make owning any animals difficult. I have owned so many, my favorite two cars, "Carlisle" and "Rambette" lived for 25 and 23 years respectively. Carlisle was Rambette's Mom. Their deaths tore a hole in my heart. I lost Abbey's son last Spring, he was 18 years old, the most precious animal you could imagine, a long haired solid black cat. His name was Dio. All my pets died of natural causes or of old age. :):(

I can sympasize with the land piranha. My youngest daughter and I adopted a one eyed long haired kitty that we saw at a petsmart. She wanted the kitty, but we noticed that she was very oral and was prone to biting people. I told her to wait until after we got back from vacation, my wife was on the fence on this one and she LOVES cats. So after we got back from vacation we found out that NOBODY adopted her from the petsmart and that she was sent back to the animal shelter. At the animal shelter we got a little bit more of her back story and about how she lost one of her eyes due to conjunctivitis. We also found out that we were her second owners. My daughter got along with her very well so we adopted her. After she got our house the other cats basically didn't like her and she didn't like them either. We eventually figured out that her demeaner was much better when she went outside due her being a feral cat when she was first adopted and that she was kept in a cage for a long time in the animal shelter. Also, we separate her from the other cats whenever possible. When she bites me I tell my wife that "the cat thinks I have good taste", but also I test out her moods. Over time she has become a much nicer cat. My youngest daughter now lives away from my wife and I, but we still have the cat and she seems to like me. Every night whenever I go to sleep she jumps up on top of me as soon as I go to sleep. Then she curls up into a little ball after I pet her for a little bit. She also likes our dog, a Bichon that's about her size. She always follows the dog when they are outside together. She still doesn't like the other cats. She originally had the name of Elsa which has since morphed into Princess Elsa the First, the Proud Puurfect Princess, the Pirate Princess (Arggh!!), and Princess Elsa the Fluff (she has a VERY fluffy tail). I always call her Princess. She likes the name and I like her too.

The quote "Cats rule & Dogs drool" is from Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore.

I remember you talking about Dio a while back in the forum, sounds like he was a good pal. Each one is ALWAYS special and are unique. Thanks for talking about your dog.

Take care Z.

Sky Seeker
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