Chig Bomber from Space: Above and Beyond

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Thanks Steve!

Yeah, I've been to Johnathan's site before, I just didn't find them there, I guess because, like you said, they circulate them. Do you mind sending me copies in the interim? I already PMed you with my e-mail, if I recall correctly.
Gearz said:
Sorry you had to step in there Scott, *My models and I are sort of vagrants at the moment.. Yep by all means, the Chig fighter is a little rough, but disseminate it as you please.

Jonathan jleslie48 is graciously hosting and cycling through a few of my models So the SaaB Saratoga and Chig fighter might surface there form time to time ( *If you've haven't been there, do yourself a favour and visit his site, there's a wealth of interesting material ).

Scott ~ just btb.. I'm toying with an idea for a stand for your Chig bomber /s. Is it OK with you If I post it/them, when their done ?
Sure, no problem. I've always been a bit delinquent when it comes to including stands for my models:roll: .

Scott K.
hey Scott, yeah the stands can be a nuisance.. It would probably be handy for builders ( and designers?) to have a bunch of generic stands to pick from.... mmm... interesting... might have a think about that.

These are three generic.. "SaaB' stands. I've scaled it/ them as best I could against the pdf of your bomber. When you get the op, could try the one attached for size and I'll scale them all to match.
BUMPED for priority reasons - do not bump in old threads.

First build of the Chig Bomber including build step pictures. :)

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