
Hi Silver Oxide,

That was some excellent craftsmanship to come up with the design and execute it as you have done. Highly entertaining to go back and read it all from the beginning. I look forward to your next project.

Thanks for the comment. I am looking at the Storm Talon and looking at ways to tweak it. The model is great but I want to work a few details into it. See you all soon over at the 40K Warhammer threads.:wave::wave:
A slight misspelling. I picked up ancient Hieroglyphics in my days hanging out by the pyramids. It's more like this;

(or I typed it using this sites online Hieroglyphics Translator, :mrgreen:)



  • Silveroxide.jpg
    16.6 KB · Views: 103
Hey, I am happy that you guys enjoyed my build thread, and levity is always welcome. I am in the process of my next build and will start posting a new thread soonover at warhammer.
Weird, the picture didn't take the first time I posted it:confused:

So here it goes again!

You bring out the best in people Silveroxide, and show them how too! :)
Hi Silveroxide:
What a marathon!
Looking back at sequence of photos I kept on saying to myself "..and it is scracthcbuilt! and it ist scracthbuilt!)
Three points here:
one- original theme.
two - scratchbuilt, not a kit.
three - very good craftmanship
Thank you very much. Even as a spectactor I had fun.
It has been a while since this thread was last resurrected but thanks to all f you who have developed an interest in this subject. There will be more stuff coming this way and until then, enjoy and hope see you all soon in the new Phoenix Zealot rising once again., better and more fun.