

Senior Member
Aug 22, 2007
Fayetteville NC
I was trying to decide where to put this thread. Since it is part of the ancient shock armor genre, I decided to place it here

Well I am back and starting to build and design some of my horse drawn vehicles again. I was going to remake the Stage Coach at a smaller scale but opted to do something a bit more ancient. I was going to try to make it at about 1/35 scale but I did the wheels first and the charioteer platform will make the model maybe about a 1/6 scale. It is almost the same scale as the Stage Coach, so it will be rather large. The only problem, is that I will have a hard time finding a team to pull it

So here is the beginning. I used the same jig from the Stage coach to construct the wheels. It will be a six spoke, since this seemed to be the most common spoke wheels that I found for this particular chariot. Some others had a four spoke but the six spoke is more stable.

The first picture is a reference photo of the chariot but this one will have the goose neck pole. The finished wheel in the beginning is a prototype and not the one I will make but closely resembling that.

As usual, I start my wheels by laminating strips around the jig form. Each strip is measured to the circumference and cut to measure. That wheel in the beginning stage, was a constant wrap around and it gave the wheel an unaccepted bulge which was hard to get rid off.

There are ten strips which are wrapped around the form. Each strip is slightly larger than the first, since it is being attached out-ward. More to come.....:wave:


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Continuing with some more stuff.

As you can see. the wheels are more rounded than the first attempt. Using the Jig, I drilled the holes using the outline of the spoke locations. Place the wheels to the side and rolled the hub. On the other models, I built before, I placed the spokes on a center roundel. In this case, I will drill the holes into the hub as a solid piece. While I am building this out of cardstock, It can also be built out of wood as well. I am uploading my photos at a smaller size and it seems to throw the sequence off. I may have to start numbering the sequence like I did a while back.:wave:


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Silveroxide is back!! This will be another master piece, and the instructions and plans will be some scribbles on a notepad, and a magnificent work of art to show for it. I wish I had a copy of the original scribbles, I think they will be worth money someday!! I joke not! :)



Silveroxide is back!! This will be another master piece, and the instructions and plans will be some scribbles on a notepad, and a magnificent work of art to show for it. I wish I had a copy of the original scribbles, I think they will be worth money someday!! I joke not! :)

Thanks for the comments guys. It is not quite a wow yet D.C. a little further on it might be. Thanks for the word of encouragement. The photos are small, for a purpose. I have a dial up 3G IP. Dial ups have a hard time uploading large images and this way, the smaller size uploads faster. My house is out in the boondocks with deer and other furry creatures roaming around. Cable does not service this area so I have to settle for satellite TV service. :cry:

You are not far from the truth Zathros, but some of those scribbles are in my mind as I trudge along thinking of what next and how does it work and if it is or was feasible back then. (What would Imahotep done?):confused:

I wanted to do something easy for a long hiatus away from modeling. As usual, when I start something easy, I tend to go overboard. The wheels alone are a modeling session of their own. The chariot platform will be another and then the weapons. Since I do not have horses that size, It will eliminate the intricate harness and coverings which are as colorful as the chariots themselves.

I had some ideas of which chariots to build but decided on the Egyptian first. Roman, and Celtic War wagons are in the background as well.

Once I did the solid hub, I used the jig to align the drill holes. If you are making it out of wood, a round dowel would be used.

I used wooden dowels from a medical swath stick. The spokes are placed in from the outside in and I used a drop of glue at the end to hold the spoke in place.

You can cut them with a blade but I used diagonal to trim off the excess, and later I used the blade to trim off any excess that was sticking out.

I used wood for the spokes but ear swabs made of paper could have been used as well. Toothpicks are also an option too. That is it for now, I have to get back to upgrading and rebuilding my fixer upper. Wood floors are in, kitchen tiles are in, Bathrooms tiles are in and it is coming along nicely, Just need more money but I am not going back to the lands of the Egyptian chariots for it. The weather here is fine and no KABOOMS going off in the vicinity. See you all next posting:wave::wave::wave:


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Imahotep went on long Chariot rides trying to figure out the political ramifications of chasing his name too, maybe to, Bill, Imahopman, Imahoptoit, Imagetoutofhere. These things weighed heavy on their minds.

Have you explored some of the supposed methodology these guys used trying to smooth out the ride with suspension? I have seen many theories on this., but do not know if the time line is right?

An ancient Irish set up.

Of course, this 5 link set up would have been the way to go!


[QUOTE=Zathros;947785]Imahotep went on long Chariot rides trying to figure out the political ramifications of chasing his name too, maybe to, Bill, Imahopman, Imahoptoit, Imagetoutofhere. These things weighed heavy on their minds.

Have you explored some of the supposed methodology these guys used trying to smooth out the ride with suspension? I have seen many theories on this., but do not know if the time line is right?

Still it is much better than "Iamonajihad". As for the suspension system, I believe that they used litter bearers for that. The ride was slow but very soothing as six feet or more took the shock of the rocky or muddy ground.

Thanks for looking in Zathros. My build tutorial is a habit of mine in explaining my methods. This method goes back to my military days in the execution and planning stages. If I had a mission, I would make the planning and explain how the mission would succeed. If you told your commander that it was not feasible, you better be ready to give options. I take this measure to my model building as well. If a part does not fit, how can I make it fit or what other part can take its place. If I cannot reproduce the part in paper, what other material can I use. Failure is not an option......

I have to restrain my enthusiasm, because there are so many models to build, and I do not want to over burden myself with multiple builds. Sometime next year, when I should decide to build my man-cave outbuilding, I may try, but the house has to be kept clean. A Wife has a tendency to frown on itty bitty paper bits cluttering the floors.

So here are two completed wheels ready for painting. I was going to paint them a wood coloring but decided to paint them a dark color like black. Before painting the wheels, I went over the outside to cut off any protruding spokes.

Using metallic covered paper, I placed the bands around the outside to imitate the metal band. My choice was a copper or bronze color but I could not find any any. The gold/brass look is not correct but it does look nice in contrast to the darker color. More on the wheel to come. I did say that the wheels themselves are a modeling session of their own. Enjoy and see you all around the next posting.


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[QUOTE=Zathros;947785]Imahotep went on long Chariot rides trying to figure out the political ramifications of chasing his name too, maybe to, Bill, Imahopman, Imahoptoit, Imagetoutofhere. These things weighed heavy on their minds.

Have you explored some of the supposed methodology these guys used trying to smooth out the ride with suspension? I have seen many theories on this., but do not know if the time line is right?

Still it is much better than "Iamonajihad". As for the suspension system, I believe that they used litter bearers for that. The ride was slow but very soothing as six feet or more took the shock of the rocky or muddy ground.

Thanks for looking in Zathros. My build tutorial is a habit of mine in explaining my methods. This method goes back to my military days in the execution and planning stages. If I had a mission, I would make the planning and explain how the mission would succeed. If you told your commander that it was not feasible, you better be ready to give options. I take this measure to my model building as well. If a part does not fit, how can I make it fit or what other part can take its place. If I cannot reproduce the part in paper, what other material can I use. Failure is not an option......

I have to restrain my enthusiasm, because there are so many models to build, and I do not want to over burden myself with multiple builds. Sometime next year, when I should decide to build my man-cave outbuilding, I may try, but the house has to be kept clean. A Wife has a tendency to frown on itty bitty paper bits cluttering the floors.

So here are two completed wheels ready for painting. I was going to paint them a wood coloring but decided to paint them a dark color like black. Before painting the wheels, I went over the outside to cut off any protruding spokes.

Using metallic covered paper, I placed the bands around the outside to imitate the metal band. My choice was a copper or bronze color but I could not find any any. The gold/brass look is not correct but it does look nice in contrast to the darker color. More on the wheel to come. I did say that the wheels themselves are a modeling session of their own. Enjoy and see you all around the next posting.

The wheels are magnificent............................................

Six feet litter bearer suspension, I almost just spit out my coffee!:rofl:

Just gotta love it!!:thumb:
The wheels are magnificent............................................

Six feet litter bearer suspension, I almost just spit out my coffee!:rofl:

Just gotta love it!!:thumb:

Think about different size litter bearers, Small medium and large, it would be like putting a truck tire on one side, a small car tire and a go-cart tire. It would make for an interesting ride.

I could have gone the easier way but I like doing new things. And as you can see, in my process, each wheel take time to build.

Before I painted the wheels, I used my dremel to round the hard edges. I should have made the inner rim more rounded but it is still feasible.

The photos are self explanatory I used only three outside retainer bands but most of the wheels had one retaining band for each spoke. There is sill more to come, The wheels are not finished yet. See you all next posting.


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Almost coming to the end of the wheel construction. The lower spoke keepers are hard to do with the metal covered paper. The glue has a hard time gluing to the smooth surface, unless I use super glue and I do not want to use the super glue. If you are going to paint the keepers later, you can roll it around like with the upper keepers. I used a flat tip pliers to squeeze the shape of the keeper.

While you are waiting for the keepers to adhere, you can start working on the band keepers. I used a fine drill bit to mark off where the bolts will be placed. The next session will cover the bolt placements. See you all next posting....:wave:


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Is that a hand drill or is this really big?!? :)

That is my dremel as seen on the first posting on the wheel parts. Yes, it is rather large in size. It is on scale with my stage coach, since I used the front wheel jig of the Western Transportation unit. My intention was to make it smaller but I started on the wheel before I saw the dimension of the Chariot materializing in my head, and I knew that this was going to be big. This is the reason that it will not have a horse team with it... Yet. The last photos of the wheels should be uploaded soon. I am working on the Chariot tub at the moment.:wave:

This dial up is the pits. My location does not allow for cable internet so I have to depend on this cell phone style MIFI hot spot contraption. Well here are the last for now on the wheels. I will return later to them when I attach them to the tub.

I used straight pins and cut then slightly short from the head. I use surgical clamps but any sharp needle nose pliers will do as well. Using the clamps, I place the pin heads at the per-drilled positions

The first is just a lark. If I had planned it that way, I would have put this thread in the Alternate Sci-Fi dimension forum. Now, to continue with the chariot and see you all next posting.:wave:


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I like how you have made the wheels. They look GREAT.
It is always interesting to see what technique you use to make the various components for your models.
I have to say that I always enjoy following your build threads.
I will be following this thread closely.

The first attempt for this vehicle was too large. I stopped that build and over the labor day weekend, I re did the model and made it smaller. With the reduction in size, I was able to find some horses to go along with it. It is almost finished and just have the details to do for it, as well as the harness for the horse teams. here are a few shots of the new build.

The first photo is were I was a while back, The build is a bit further from that point. I now have access to my tools of the trade and the wheels were made by using the circle cutter

the wheels are made from four pieces of heavy cardstock (cereal box thick). the inner sections have the spokes and the outside circles do not.


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That easy Eh! As usual, I am very impressed with your work and your willingness to demonstrate technique. Really excellent work. Thanks! :)

That easy Eh! As usual, I am very impressed with your work and your willingness to demonstrate technique. Really excellent work. Thanks! :)

Thank toy Zathros. I do the techniques on purpose, just to show that it really is made of paper.

Here is the next batch of photos. I have over 60 photos and I am slowly editing each one for uploading. I tend to place my comments in them.

I used the dremmel carving tool to smooth the edges and to make the spokes rounder.

In this other version, I painted the wheels a brown color and made bands from strips of paper colored in bronze

The hubs stick out and the best way to do them, is to roll regular paper or 60 weight around a metal tube or micro scrwdriver. The glue does not stick well to the stainless steel surface.

still more to come. Stick around and see you all around the forum.


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Here is the next installment of the build. The instructions in the insets are good to go so I will not re do them here in the commentary box. The next upload will be on the axle and the platform. The photos are out of sequence but understandable. Enjoy and see you all around the forums.


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